【Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night】- The legendary Metroidvania side-scroller action RPG
【Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night】- The legendary Metroidvania side-scroller action RPG
【血咒之城:暗夜儀式】- 傳奇級的銀河惡魔城類橫向卷軸動作RPG
Produced by the former producer of the Castlevania series - Koji Igarashi, this much-anticipated spiritual successor has finally made its debut on the console and Switch platform in 2019 and GSE is happy to be the title’s physical publisher in Japan. Despite following the same gothic dark fantasy style of Castlevania, ‘Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night’ has its new and enhancing control, story, and graphics. This 2.5D masterpiece provides an immersive narrative adventure with a luxurious voice cast and multiple playable characters, allowing players to fall into the story of ‘Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night’ again and again.
The story of ‘Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night’ is set in 19th century England where Miriam, the players, is an orphan cursed to slowly crystalize to death by an alchemist.?To save herself and humanity, Miriam must stand up and battle through the castle invaded by monsters and fight against the one who summons them, Gebel, another unfortunate who is fully crystallized. During the players’ journey in the castle, there are tons of weapons and spells to be upgraded and unlocked. The map of ‘Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night’ is also bigger than ever which is about twice the size of the previous title by Igarashi. In the game, players can expect an excellent and replayable experience.
?Pre-order bonus and the store bonus?
For players who pre-order the Japanese physical package of PS4 and Nintendo Switch, they are given the 2 discs original soundtrack CD of ‘Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night’ with 46 songs. Also, players who make their pre-order at the designated stores (Amazon.co.jp, ゲオ, Joshin, WonderGOO, あみあみ, いまじんWEBショップ, ヤマダ電機, ヨドバシカメラ), they can get the special bonus for the alternative stores. It includes a B2 fabric poster, sketchbook, PC wallpaper, A3 tapestry, acrylic strap, and 2 designs of clear files. All of the bonuses are designed with the ‘Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night’ illustrations.
預購了日本盒裝PS4及Nintendo Switch版的玩家,可以額外得到收錄了共46首歌的《血咒之城:暗夜儀式》原聲CD。而在指定店舖預購的玩家更可得到各店舖指定的《血咒之城:暗夜儀式》特典,當中包括:B2 布海報、寫生簿、電腦桌布、A3 掛毯、亞加力鎖匙扣及2款透明文件夾等。
Product information 產品資訊
Publishing region(s) 發行地區: Japan 日本 (PS4/Switch)
Platform平台:PlayStation?4 , Nintendo Switch?
Developer 開發商: ArtPlay
Genre 遊戲類別: ACT
Player 玩家數量 (Online 線上): 1
Player玩家數量 (Offline 線下): 1
Subtitles 字幕語言: JP
Voice語音 : Japanese?日文
Rating 評級: 輔12級 (CERO:C)