Bloodletting is a thing of the past
Imagine going to a doctors office today for an ailment and he recommended bloodletting. Well from the time of the Egyptians until two hundred years ago bloodletting was an accepted medical practice. It is believed that our first President was a victim of this widespread practice. If a doctor recommended such a plan today, he would probably lose his license to practice medicine.
If you happen to be a victim of a flood or other water loss you likely will have a water loss quack arrive at your door. Like the bloodletting "expert" of the past his cure is probably worse than the ailment. This "quack" will have all of the certifications from the Water Damage industry, but they are made-up and disproven theories. How could something so disastrous happen you may ask that thousands of water damage practitioners are so miseducated. The answer is simple. The "quack" who invented the protocol for water damage happened to be a dehumidifier manufacturer.
The science of water evaporation has been known science for more than three hundred years. A water loss or a flood is only going to be resolved by evaporating the water Evaporation is the ONLY way, and there is no alternative way. Heat and only heat causes water to evaporate. It is science.
The insurance industry has been victimized, the property owners have been victimized and the independent water damage contractors pay millions of dollars to be certified by "quacks." The result is slow or no recovery from a water loss because most contractors don't know what they are doing.