Blood Type: The REAL Evolution Revolution
Helga Dalla, Advancing Health Naturally
Director, Advancing Health Naturally Limited | Business Pioneer ?? Mentor/Leader ?? Biohacking with Nutrigenomics?? Impacting Lives and Building a Legacy
BLOOD IS LIFE itself. It is the primal force which fuels the power and mystery of birth, the horrors of DISEASE, ware and violent death. Entire civilisations have been build on blood ties. Tribes, clans and monarchies depend on them. We cannon exist without blood - literally or figuratively.
Blood is magical. Blood is mystical. Blood is alchemical. It appears throughout human history as a profound religious and cultural symbol. Ancient peoples mixed it together and drank it to denote unity and fealty. From the earliest times, hunters performed rituals to appease the spirits of animals they killed by offering up the animal blood and smearing it on their faces and bodies. The blood of the lamb was placed as a mark on the hovels of the slave Jews of Egypt so that the Angel of Death would pass over them. Moses is said to have turned the waters of Egypt to blood in his quest to free his people. The symbolic blood of Jesus Christ has been, for nearly 2000 years, central to the most sacred rite of Christianity.
In the last forty years we have been able to use biological markers such as blood type to map the movements and groupings of our ancestors. By learning how these early people adapt to the challenges posted by constantly changing climates, germs and diets, we are learning about ourselves. Change in climate and food produced new blood types. Blood type is the unbroken cord that binds us.
Ultimately, the differences in blood types reflect upon the human ability to acclimatise to different environmental challenges. For the most part, these challenges impacted the digestive and immune systems: a piece of bad meat could kill you; a cut or scrape could evolve into a deadly infection. Yet the human race survived. And the story of that survival is inextricably tied to our digestive and immune systems. It is in these two areas that most of the distinctions between blood types are found.
THE HUMAN STORY - The story of humankind is the story of survival. More specifically, it is the story of where humans lived and what they could eat there. It is about food -finding food and moving to find food. We don't know for certain when human evolution began. Neanderthals, the first humanoids we can recognise, may have developed 500,000 years ago - or maybe even earlier. We do know human prehistory began in Africa, where we evolved from human-like creatures. Early life was short, nasty and brutish. People died a thousand different ways - opportunistic infections, parasites, animal attacks, broken bones, childbirth - and they died young.
Neanderthals probably ate a rather crude diet of wild plants, grubs and the scavenged leftovers from the kills of predatory animals. They were more prey then predator especially when it came to infections and parasitic afflictions. (Many of the parasites, worms, flukes and infectious micro-organisms found in Africa do not stimulate the immune system to produce a specific antibody to them, probably because the early Type O people already had protection in the form of the antibodies they carried from birth.)
As the human race moved around and was forced to adapt its diet to changing conditions, the new diet provoked adaptations in the digestive tract and immune system necessary for it to the first survive and later 'thrive' in each new habitat. These changes are reflected in the development of the blood types, which appear have arrived at critical junctures of human development;
- The ascent of humans to the top of the food chain (evolution of Type O to its fullest expression).
- The change from hunter-gatherer to a more domesticated agrarian lifestyle (appearance of Type A).
- The merging and migration of the races from the African homeland to Europe, Asia and the Americas (development of Type B).
- The modern intermingling of disparate groups (the arrival of Type AB).
Each blood type contains the genetic message of our ancestors diets and behaviours and although we're a long way away from early history, many of their traits still affect us. Knowing these predispositions helps us to understand the logic of the blood type diets.
So have diets you've tried in the past 'failed' or even been counter productive? Are you sure your diet is right for your blood type? This breakthrough new programme, currently sweeping America and other countries is the only one to reveal the hidden key to successful dieting and eating right for YOU.
YOUR blood type reflects your internal chemistry. It actually determines the way you absorb nutrients. What foods you absorb well and how your body handles stress differ with teach blood type. Eat Right 4 Your Type by, Pter D'Adamo tells you to combine the foods that are right for you:
If your blood type is O:
Eat meat (high protein, low carbohydrate ), cut out wheat and most other grains, engage in vigorous aerobic exercise, the risk of ulcers and inflammatory diseases such as arthritis increase if you eat incorrectly for your type
If your blood type is A:
You should be a vegetarian (high carbohydrate, low fat) engage in gentle exercise such as yoga or golf, meditate to deal with stress, the risk of cancer and heart disease if you eat incorrectly for your type
If your blood type is B:
You should have a very varied diet of all the blood types, one including meat; yours is the only blood type that does well with dairy products, engage in exercise such as moderate swimming or walking, the risk of slow-growing viruses that attack the nervous system increases if you eat incorrectly for your type.
If your blood type is AB:
You have most of the benefits and intolerances of types A and B, engage in calming exercises and relaxation techniques, you have the friendliest immune system of all the blood types.
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Student of sport nutrition / Fan of creative creation
4 年I think , diet based on the blood type, is not very accurate indicator ?? But it's exciting article ??
Bsc Food Science and Nutrition
4 年Great read! ?