Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is a critical turning point in health and is always treated very seriously. There are a number of lifestyle changes including diet and supplementation.
Nitric oxide is a molecule whose primary purpose is to make sure blood vessels stay wide open. It increases the fluidity of arteries which improves circulation, delivery of nutrients and oxygen to cells and helps with healing. Individuals with poor circulation, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and erectile dysfunction are often deficient in the critical molecule nitric oxide.
Blood flow is often impaired in older individuals due to a number of lifestyle issues as well as genetics. Arginine is a conditionally essential amino acid that makes Nitric Oxide and requires precursors L-ornithine, and L-citrulline improves absorption. According to the research, increasing Nitric Oxide with L-arginine, can reverse deficiencies and dramatically improve your arterial elasticity, blood delivery to extremities, and cardiovascular and overall health.
At PicPax we offer a wide variety of Vitamin Supplements that helps to improve your health.
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