The Blood has Already Been Presented!

The Blood has Already Been Presented!

Address to the Nations!

A Country Divided Will Never Stand


“Allowing others to make you a victim, “STOP!” Believing yourself as a victim!

You have not because you ask not, you ask not because you have “stopped,” believing!

“Believe without doubting!”

Look up concerning the one who doubts! In the Word of God!

“You must!” “For no other can for you!”

“You and God!”

“Personal Individual Relationship, Between God, and Yourself.”


The Government wants and states The United States is a Divided Nation, Yet, truly it is not nor has it been since 1776, a Truly divided nation. It has been a suggested divided nation, from and by those who have truly decided to divide themselves, through Illegal processes of opinion’s of what they want and desire over the facts of the American people.

To this moment in time, has the wicked so unsuccessfully and successfully brought about the dividing of individuals who have anchored into opinions of other men and women, over God’s direction of Loving God and Loving one another.

In and to this very moment, the people are as united as they could ever truly be, “IN GOD!” Seeking God, His Kingdom and His Righteousness. What has become divided is simply that which is Good and Godly, and that which is evil and wicked totally AGAINST God who is Love, who is Good, and who has truly never been against not even one other. God who is for us all, that we would place all of ourselves into Him, His Care, and His Leadership, in order that all of the things of God, may be added into us, individually. “Period….”

Yah, a voice calling out in the wilderness, continually, surly started with John the Baptist, declaring the coming of the Word of God, Made flesh from and by God, who would remove the sins of the world. So true and truth have come and throughout all generations, even to this very moment remains only the Truth of the reason of Christ’s coming and dying and raising from death and the grave; that not one individual has to be the victim of the evil workings of others opinions ever again. “Period….”

“A voice calling out from the mountains of the heavens; far above the earth and above every mountain’s highest peak of the highest mountain upon the earth. Yah, where You have placed Your Children; O, Lord of Hosts; for You truly have placed each spiritually upon the highest mountain tops of the heavens; where the winds and the Quakes, of the enemy can not reach not one!”

For You are Almighty God, and You are One God; who has done what You said You shall do!

For the Lord has declared, He will place you upon the highest mountains of the heavens. Knowing He will and has gathered you into Himself where He has named the very name above everything ever created:

Jesus The Christ, The Word of God sent into the world, made flesh and brought and bought with His Own Blood all mankind who shall but believe; “SHALL YOU?” “Shall you without doubting?”

Because truly it is with individually and on dividual purpose, or it is not at all, remembering, in all things, and at all times, without individually doubting God, who has already defeated all other opinions, including all man created religion’s which truly are simply opinions offered through suggestions of false gods. “Period….”

Truly, God is and that He rewards ALL those who seek after Him and His Kingdom, His Righteousness! “First!”

God who is and shall always remain, within all things, including each and everyone of us as individuals.

For He has always called you by name; even before you ever were, so He knew you; and He created you out of Himself, as too did all things ever created come forth from!

Yes, a voice calling out! Turn, step into the shifting, walk away from ALL else and step into and live within the very Way, Truth, and Life. The Word of God, that is God!

Know this; “none other can do this for you”!

It takes “you”! And “you alone”!

Listen than ALL who have ears and ALL who desire their own personal relationship with and in the Lord Jesus Christ. The very Word of God made flesh for you and for I.

“Or?” “Are you!” “mistaken , not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God”!

Matthew: 22:29


“Do you not know and have you forgotten, you are the temple of The Holy Spirit of God Almighty?”

“Who has bewitched, you? Who have you rejected your own calling by name by God, to follow after?”

“Individually!” Upon Your Own Purpose. “Period….”

The guards are being changed, the enemy being revealed, the darkness melting away;

everything ever hidden is being brought out into the open:

yet the darkness knows not the Light of the World, nor can they;

but you know the Light because the Light dwells within you, who shall accept and believe without doubting every Word ever spoken out of the mouth of God Almighty!

“YOU shall love the Lord YOUR God with ALL YOUR heart, with ALL YOUR soul, and with ALL YOUR mind.”

Matthew 22:37

Who has bewitched YOU, surely not the Word of God; “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son”.....

Yet the same Word of God, declared; and is declaring this moment and season!

“Turn, “YOU,” “YOU SHIFT,” out of and from:

A voice calling out not as man calls out, but as one filled with the Holy Spirit of The One and Only Ever Alive and Living God filled Spirit in His own Faith within Himself and His Love and concern for ALL, “YOU”!

Be you not concerned of the one on your right nor your left, but be you concerned of the one within you…. “Following no other…..”

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, Hypocrites! For you devour widows’ houses, and for a pretense make long prayers. Therefore, you will receive greater condemnation”.

Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel land and sea to win one proselytizing, and when he is won, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves.

Woe to you, blind guides, who say “Whoeveer swears by the temple, it is nothing; but whoever swears by the gold of the temple, he is obliged to perform it.

Matthew 23:14-16

(Self read) and self understand! “Individually Freely Given to us all! Matthew 23:17-39!

Those who have ears let him understand what the Spirit of God is saying:

“See, I have told YOU beforehand”.

Matthew 24:25

(Self Read) Matthew 25 – ALL

God so Loves “YOU,” He desires “YOU”. “Individually is the only True Way for you and for I as for all others.

Thus is the Word of God, revealed, that ALL who know Him, knows the Son, and ALL who knows the Son knows the Father: ALL who knows the Father, knows the Holy Spirit, who lives within each individual:

“Not as man does, but as the sons and daughters of God, so have been freely given in order to do!”

“Believe!!!! Believe you this moment and shift out of ALL that has been taught to you, by man and others.”

“For ALL else shall pass away, yet the Word of God shall never pass away. The Word of God is personally for each who shall be taught by the Spirit of God”!! “Not the opinions and thoughts and ways of mankind.” “Period….”

“Believe this, The Lord God Almighty said; “I have written my Word upon the hearts of ALL mankind and placed it upon the souls of ALL mankind.” “Therefore, none can declare otherwise nor have any excuses”!

For this day is the day of reconciliation, of on purpose individually rejecting all else; of humbling before God Almighty; of repentance and of turning away from all that this world and this life has to offer:

For the better is the Kingdom of God, and His Righteousness alone!

So, hear the voice of God, calling you; listen and reject the ways of the build back better even unto deceptions and falsehoods which Jesus, God! So declared that you know!

Arise and become the houses / temples of prayer without Ceasing, without doubting, relaying only upon God: His Word; and arise into who God created you to be “in” Himself; upon this earth as you dwelling “in” Him, within your own secret place “in” the Most High!

“You” and “I”

Not being ashamed of the Word of God, of God; who truly is One God!

Arise and open wide your bellies and release the rivers of living waters, release heaven upon the earth, God’s Glory that dwells within you; everywhere and upon all the earth!

“You” and “I”

“Our own Reasonable Responsibility!”

“For Christ “in” us the hope of ALL glory; as God truly has removed the middle wall of separation from Him; where you, where I, call dwell, in Him!

Where fear and doubt and all not of Him, can not enter!

Live this life here and now, as surely you, and I, dwell already “in” Him, where He is, in order to see His Glory!

John 17



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