Blogs to ignite the imagination
Peter Anderson - Write Right
Helping you say about you, what people who need you, need to hear | Website content | Customised Blogs I Case Studies | Testimonials | Solutioneer
Today’s tip is sometimes even with blogs you can think outside of the box for a potentially great result. I have a new client (something I will celebrate at some point), she has started recently producing twin dolls, a boy and a girl which represent her heritage and not the standard pink dolls. I am writing some blogs for her website, but I had a burst of inspiration when we were talking set off by her enthusiasm and desire to take her product to the highest level that I could.
Her website is business to consumer, she has not reached the point where she is trying to attract the toy shops with either her website or her blogs. So, where do we go with blogs when we have a product which is a doll and a target market of young children and the adults who look after them? My inspiration, we leave the world of facts behind for some exciting fiction. If this was a multi-national client who made children’s toys then the budget could be spectacular and maybe we could make feature length animated films, but it isn’t – yet.
So, what I have chosen to do is work with the client to create a monthly series of stories, adventures that the twins can have and either the adult can read it to the child or the child can read it for themselves. This way not only can the child have a toy they can have adventures with, but the website can boost the child’s imagination and creativity. In the first episode the pair our decorating a seasonal picture and one can also be downloaded for the child themselves to do.
With later blogs I can involve the clothes both those available now and new ones when they come online. Plus who knows we may see them having adventures on Tik-tok when the budget allows.