【Blog】Life at avatarin |Meet our team vol.1
(English version below)
◆ 今のお仕事の魅力は?
◆ チームワークで心がけていることは?
◆ 今後の目標は?
Tさん(エンジニア):チームや会社を引っ張っていけるような存在になりたいです。取引先の方々ともチームとして全員でwin winな関係を保ちながら、newme、そして会社を盛り上げていければと思っています。
This is an interview with the employees who run newme's product testing and onsite operations management!
For more information about newme and avatarin's services, please click here.
◆ What do you like about your job?
Mr. K (Director): I am involved in all areas of products and play a central role in a wide range of areas, so I have a lot of responsibility, but on the contrary, I think that is what makes my job exciting. It is especially rewarding when I see the team members' faces light up or when customers thank us for a well-functioning product.
Mr. H (Engineer): If I fail to find any errors during the testing, the product will be delivered to the customer in that condition. I feel responsible and proud that I am the end point of this department.
Mr. T (Engineer): I find it rewarding to be close to both the technical development team for products and applications and the customers. I also enjoy the fact that I work together with the technical development team, which allows me to see things from the development team's point of view and find areas for improvement.
◆ What do you keep in mind when working as a team?
Mr. K (Director): We frequently talk about KPIs and which direction we are heading so that we are all working toward the same target. With that in mind, I make sure to set clear directions for work and build teamwork so that we can work as a team.
Mr. H (Engineer): I try to be mindful of what team members are willing to say, rather than what they are saying. I try to communicate with each team member with an understanding of their tasks, situations, priorities in their work, and so on.
Mr. T (Engineer): When the company was founded, we had a small team, but now there are more people and each team has its own role, so I try to enjoy sharing the progress with each team member.
◆ What are your future goals?
Mr. K (Director): I would like to create the best environment for the operating systems and processes to get ready and support our expanding business.
Mr. H (Engineer): I want to improve my English skills. Basically, all meetings with the technical development team and business partners are in English, so I want to be able to express my opinions fluently. I hope that newme will be a product that can help those who are socially vulnerable, minorities in certain areas. I want to make sure that there are no areas of the service that are difficult for certain people to use, and I also want to be sure that customers will not have uncomfortable experiences when using the service.
Mr. T (Engineer): I want to be able to lead the team and the company. I would like to keep a win-win relationship with our business partners as a team and at the same time, I would like to make the company a great place to work.
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