A Blog? What would I write about?
One point that often comes up when we are discussing a new website with a client is whether or not that website should have, for want of a better word, a ‘blog’ feature. Does anybody even care about blogs nowadays? And even if they did care enough to read my company blog, what would I write about?
We’ve mentioned before that blogs are a good way to regularly inject new content into your website. New content shows Google that your website is still current and relevant. ‘Current and relevant’, combined with the right combinations of keywords, leads to better SEO ratings.
According to Wikipedia, the term 'blog' is a contraction of the term ‘weblog’, described as consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries (posts). This may not sound like the sort of information you’d want to your business to publish on the internet. But the reality is that a blog doesn't need to contain this type of information. More commonly, the blog facility on most business websites is used to publish a series of articles about the business. This could be the latest news or developments in the business. Investment consultants might post about government policy and investment strategies. Manufacturers might choose to write about a new product. Many tech companies even publish information and tutorials on how to solve particular problems. A widget on your homepage can even show your latest blog posts and how recently they were published, guiding readers to your most recent content.
Why would you want to put out this information onto a public forum where potential customers or (even worse) your competitors might come across it? What if they were to take it and use it against your business?
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