BLOG POST: The Perfect Storm!
As I write this, we’re currently in the middle of a Perfect Storm, including a pandemic, an impending solar eclipse, The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, the Winter Solstice approaches, a new moon approaching and the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, to mention a few of the current happenings. There are those who are masterful at explaining in astrological terms what all of that means. I’m not one of those folks. But I am someone who can wax poetic about what we might want to be focusing on in this Perfect Storm.
Let’s start by focusing on asking ourselves a few deep questions and then consciously and mindfully choosing to sit with those questions in the stillness to discern our answers. What are my truths? What do I most want to see in the world? What do I need in order to step fully into my expansive Self? If those questions evoke an uncomfortable sense of “I don’t know”, not to fear! For most of us on this cusp of change, we cannot yet fully or clearly conceptualize those answers yet. But the mere act of posing the questions and considering them is what’s most important at this juncture.
We’re going through a “cosmic reboot” as my friend and astrologer, Kailean Welsh, likes to say. We’re moving from a very Earth-based focus to an Air-based focus which is more about Spirit and the breath. We’re literally at the deepest part of the inhale of the Divine Breath.
Kailean recently shared with a group of us on one of our Moon Ceremony Zoom calls that what we focus on right now, what we send out into the cosmos is like “bait amplified”. I like to envision that as we’re fishing in a highly charged pond so the timing is perfect to cast our most important bait. In other words, what do you MOST want to see in the world, what do you most want to focus on?
And after casting that bait, we wait…we wait in this deepest darkness, trusting that the Light will dawn. So this period is akin to hibernating or cocooning. Moving into the deepest darkness to rest and transform. It’s what Sue Monk Kidd called the “green muck stage”. We’re no longer the caterpillar, but not yet the butterfly. But that green muck has all the potential in the Universe; it is truly a field of infinite possibilities!
Be faith-filled and trusting, as we traverse this Dark Night of the Soul, that there is light on the other side of this darkness. Embrace the darkness as a time for deep reflection and stillness. Know that historically most pandemics are followed by a renaissance, a re-birth, a re-discovery. Again, sit with those questions posed at the beginning of this post. This is a very pregnant time for growth and change. Be open to receiving your part in this beautiful process.