Blog Post #1: Resumes
Daniela Cervantes
Digital Communications, Content Producer, and Social Media Professional
For this week in my Internship Class, we watched a presentation by Kim Muller that thoroughly discussed each part of a resume. Having only worked on an academic resume in the past, there were parts of a professional resume that I was not aware of or had limited knowledge of. Thanks to the presentation, I now have a better understanding of what to include in each section and new tips and advice for creating the perfect resume.
One section that I newly became aware of was the summary of qualifications, or profile. This section is meant to briefly state one's experience and abilities. Using unique statements that highlight one's abilities is the best way to approach this section. When it comes to the 'Activities and Honors' section, a helpful tip that I received was to adjust this section's name according to what involvements one has listed, such as titling the section as only 'Activities'. I tend to stick by the rules, so I often stressed over not meeting both involvements in activities or honors. Now knowing that simply being involved in community service or only in activities is enough, I feel calmer going back into my resume and making those changes.
Once you have completed your resume, it is important to go over it and "grade yourself." Kim Muller, in her presentation, provides a very helpful and detailed resume rubric that allows one to go through their resume and make sure that it meets the right standards for landing an interview, and eventually the job!
Career services on campus do a great job of providing students some of the very best resources that will contribute to their success in securing a job or internship. This presentation alone provided so much knowledge and understanding that I now feel confident in working on my resume again. Having learned so much already, I look forward to seeing what more this class has to offer as I prepare myself to graduate in May and become a professional.