Blog Page Updated
There is a page on my blog entitled, "What others are reading?"
Readership of the Interim Services Blog increased almost 30% in 2017 after a 20% increase in 2016. I am very honored and gratified by the increasing interest in this work. In addition to the articles in the blog, there are pages that are accessible from the main page of the blog. One of the pages designed to help people find the most read content is the "What are others reading?" page. I have updated this page for viewership through 2017. There was a lot of movement among my most popular articles during 2017 so you might want to check the current list of popular entries to see if you've missed anything.
In addition, I have listed the least popular articles. I still maintain that these articles contain some of my best work. I hope that you find the content of the blog and my guidance as to how to best access it helpful. I sincerely appreciate your interest and I look forward to producing new content as time goes on.
Please let me know if you have feedback about anything on my blog or if you would like to see me address a topic of interest to you. I look forward to continuing to serve the healthcare industry through the continuing production of original content that is primarily focused on Interim Executive Services.
Ray Snead