In 2014, Barak Obama Launched A Coup That Toppled Ukraine’s Government. With A US Puppet Government In Place, Joe Biden Inserted His Son, Hunter And Three Other Top CIA Agents Onto The Board Of Directors Of Burisma To Use Ukraine’s Largest Private Natural Gas Producer As HQ-Central To Run The Puppet Ukrainian Government And Manage The Proxy War Against Russia.

Eugene Stovall

Oakland, California March, 2022

?In September 2013, the Washington Post reported that Ukraine’s massive unemployment was due to a deepening depression and that the economy needed a massive infusion of capital to recover. Ukraine’s president, Viktor Yanukovych asked the International Monetary Fund [IMF] for assistance, but Obama persuaded the IMF to tie a severe austerity program any EU-IMF funding for Ukraine. Rather than forcing further suffering on his people, Yanukovych accepted a Russian financial package that had no austerity strings attached. Barak Obama and Joe Biden were delighted that Yanukovych refused the harsh EU-IMF conditions. NATO’s plans to overthrow Ukraine’s government which included its deepening depression were in the final stages. Yanukovych’s acceptance of Russian development funds provided the pretext for launching the planned coup.

?NED: A CIA Tool For Propaganda, Terrorism And Regime Change

?The National Endowment for Democracy [NED] is a multi-million-dollar slush fund that the CIA uses to topple governments, arm para-military groups and train neo-Nazi death squads around the world. NED had been instrumental in funding neo-Nazi activities and stirring up anti-government sentiments in Ukraine. For more than a decade, NED paid Ukraine’s newspapers and media outlets to conduct a prolonged propaganda campaign that targeted veterans of Ukraine’s Galatian Waffen SS-Volunteer Division who fought for Nazi Germany during WWII. These Waffen SS veterans formed the neo-Nazi Ukrainian National Army in order to resume their holy crusade against Russia. NATO and NED gave Ukraine’s neo-Nazis their opportunity to strike.

?William Casey Ronald Reagan’s CIA director created the National Endowment For Democracy [NED] to shield the Reagan presidency from public scrutiny. Massachusetts Senator Edward Boland attached an amendment to the 1982 defense appropriations act that made it illegal for the US to finance or engage in toppling any foreign government. When Daniel Ortega was elected president of Nicaragua, Ronald Reagan ignored the law and armed Contra rebels in an attempt to overthrow Ortega’s government. When Congress withheld funds from the contras, Reagan raised funds by importing and selling crack and powder cocaine in American cities. These drug sales were organized and managed by vice-president, George Bush, Oliver North and Arkansas governor, Bill Clinton. Congress was scandalized. Some congressmen even began impeachment discussions. But Reagan’s CIA director, William Casey, as ruthless and unprincipled as any in the spy game, saved Reagan’s presidency by initiating a successful disinformation campaign that hid Reagan’s illegal activities from the public.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false" CIA Director William Casey’s answer To President Ronald Reagan when questioned about concealing his illegal drug activities from public disclosure

But Casey’s most masterful maneuver was getting key congressmen to authorize the National Endowment for Democracy [NED] fund, ostensibly to promote American democratic values and ideals around the world. Congress authorized NED, but failed to provide adequate congressional oversight or control which allowed Casey to use NED as a CIA slush fund. Casey rigged the midterm elections and funded the political campaigns of Democrats and Republicans who committed to supporting CIA coups against foreign government and the training and deployment of neo-Nazi death squads throughout South and Central America. Casey was so successful in electing senators and congressmen willing to support Reagan’s murky drug dealing, arms negotiations and regime change activities that saved Reagan’s presidency. Annulling the Boland amendment, the NED-bought congress authorized a series of coups, assassinations and covert military operations that led to the Oklahoma City bombing, the 9-11 World Trade Center explosions and regime changes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Ukraine. The NED congress authorized an ongoing war of international terrorism that included a plethora of human rights violations that included the indiscriminate bombing of civilians, activating black sites for the abduction, incarceration and torture of civilians, the convening of ‘kangaroo’ courts that denied the accused were either civil rights or writs of habeus corpus and an ongoing campaign of police violence and murder against unarmed blacks and Native Americans.

?Once Casey had a craven Congress, completely subservient to the CIA’s agenda, business, labor and the press were added to NED’s payoff list. Today NED distributes over a hundred million dollars to the Democratic and Republican national committees, the Business Roundtable and the National Labor Council. In 2001, George ‘Baby’ Bush completed the fascist takeover of America’s political system by using ‘faith based’ funding to ‘buy’ the support of religious leaders for America’s war of terror. Today the US ‘deep state’ operates a dual US economy. The ‘deep state’ operates a national socialist economy supported by a defense department with an annual half trillion-dollar budget and billions in corporate subsidies for the billionaire class and an austere, rapacious capitalist economy for everyone else. And within the world of espionage and spycraft ghouls like William Casey ply their trade, lies SPECTRE, the SPecial Executive for Counter-Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion to oversee the rule of National Socialism\

SPECTRE: The Atlantic Council Of The United States?

After the 1961, Bay of Pigs fiasco, Dean Acheson, Truman’s former Secretary of State and Christian Herter, Eisenhower’s former Secretary of State feared that President John F. Kennedy would make good his promise to “break the CIA into a million pieces.” These Cold War warriors had smuggled thousands of Nazi war criminals into the United States to implement an aggressive Cold War strategy without legal, moral or human constraint. These proto-fascists who had initiated the Korean War and overthrew the government of Iran, were scandalized by the communist regime a mere 90 miles from America’s shores. America’s cold warriors were scandalized that the president would interfere with their plans to invade Cuba and topple Castro. To counteract White House interference, these cold warriors created an espionage and spy organization, inside NATO, known as the Atlantic Council of the United States. NATO’s independence from the White House rendered Kennedy powerless to obstruct Cold War plans. However, in order to guarantee that the CIA would remain intact, the Atlantic Council of the United States, SPECTRE, shot the President John F. Kennedy in the head.

The Atlantic Council of the United States directs regional centers that ‘manage’ international security and global economic activities around the world to promote the goals of international fascism. Politically and financially independent, the Atlantic Council houses an international spy and espionage organization known as SPECTRE. The former CEO of the Atlantic Council, James L. Jones, was a retired four-star Marine Corps general and NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander. The chairman of the Atlantic Council’s International Advisory Board was Brent Scowcroft, a retired Air Force general. The Atlantic Council adviser on Russian policy was Anders Fogh Rasmussen, NATO Secretary General. The Atlantic Council’s Special Executive for Counter-Terrorism Revenge and Extortion plans and orchestrates the US’s endless wars of terrorism and aggression with the support of its NATO allies. For over a decade, the leader of Ukraine’s neo-Nazi party and the Ukraine’s current Prime Minister, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, was an active member of the Atlantic Council of the United States.

The Ukraine Cou

When Ukraine accepted Russia’s economic development package in 2013, Obama and Biden directed NED to fund a Ukrainian shadow government formed by Arseniy Yatsenyuk, leader of Ukraine’s neo-Nazi party and SPECTRE agent for the Atlantic Council. NED supplied Yatsenyuk with funds to recruit masses of unemployed workers to engage in violent anti-government demonstrations. In Kiev, these gangs disrupted the government and paralyzed Ukraine’s economy. Working around the clock, President Yanukovych and his cabinet ministers met with Yatsenyuk’s neo-Nazis in an attempt to reach a settlement. But when the press reported that a possible agreement was being hammered out, Obama ordered Yatsenyuk to stop negotiations. Neo-Nazis rampaged throughout Kiev, indiscriminately killing policemen and protesters, alike. Then Obama’s Secretary of State, John Kerry, issued a communique recognizing Yatsenyuk’s shadow government and called for other EU and NATO members to recognize the US puppet state, as well. ?Neo-Nazi gangs raged throughout the country attacking local police and civilian authorities in a well-coordinated SPECTRE offensive. Yatsenyuk’s goons seized government buildings and killed everyone on the shadow government’s ‘hit’ list. All the while, the international press praised the neo-Nazi takeover of Ukraine’s government as a victory for democracy.


Russia’s reaction to the Ukraine coup was immediate. It poured troops into Crimea and armed militias loyal to Yanukovych in eastern Ukraine. Whining through managed news outlets that Russia’s interference with their coup violated US security, Obama and Biden imposed economic sanctions on Russia and provided its puppet state with a half-billion-dollar arms subsidy that included nuclear missiles. With their neo-Nazi army massing on Russia’s border and fighting breaking out all over, NATO’s Atlantic Council, confident of victory, initiated its proxy war on Russia.

Burisma: SPECTRE-Central ?

Though Yatsenyuk’s neo-Nazis were useful for launching the coup, Obama and Biden did not trust them to run the government or wage their war. Staging a phony election, Obama and Biden elected a popular comedian, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, president of Ukraine’s puppet government and pushed their neo-Nazi stooge, Yatsenyuk, into the background. But, even with its $211 million annual budget and the logistical, financial and organizational assets to conduct its far-flung foreign military operations, the Atlantic Council needed seasoned veterans in charge and on the scene, which was where Burisma fit into their plans.

When Donald Trump asked Ukraine’s newly elected president, the comedian, Volodymyr Zelenksy, to investigate Burisma’s pre-coup illegal acquisition of gas drilling licenses and its money laundering activities, the CIA-controlled mainstream media unleashed a firestorm of criticism. Mykola Zlochevsky, owner of the Burisma Group, Ukraine's largest private natural gas producer, had been under the CIA’s control and protection since before the coup. As Ukraine’s minister of the interior, Zlochevsky’s betrayed his country to help the US launch the coup. In 2010, Hunter Biden, the son of the vice-president of the United States and Christopher Heinz, Secretary of State, John Kerry’s stepson, laundered $3.4 million of Zlochevsky’s illegal gas drilling profits through Rosemont Seneca Partners, a Wall Street investment company. In return, Ukraine’s interior minister agreed to support the overthrow of his government and allow Burisma to be used as the headquarters of America’s proxy war on Russia.

In May 2013, Joe Biden got Hunter Biden’s cocaine arrest records sealed. The elder Biden obtained a Navy commission for his son and administered the naval officer’s oath in a White House ceremony. Once Hunter Biden received his Navy commission, the Atlantic Council, whose membership was strictly military only, accepted him into its murky world. In February, 2014, less than a year after receiving his Navy commission, Hunter failed a cocaine drug test and the Navy gave him a less than honorable discharge. Nevertheless, as an Atlantic Council member, Hunter Biden, along with Devon Archer, formed BHR Partners, an investment firm, to run a bogus $1.3 billion investment scam on Chinese businessman, Jonathan Li, and the Chinese government. The operation was successful and the Atlantic Council vetted Hunter Biden as a bona fide SPECTRE agent and appointed to Burisma’s board of directors. charged with conducting the Ukraine’s post-coup activities. Agent Biden and three other CIA agents appointed to Burisma’s board of directors were welcomed by senior managers who the Atlantic Council had honeycombed into Ukraine’s gas drilling company for years. The most important SPECTRE agent at Burisma was Kurt Volker. ?Even before Trump appointed Volker as his special envoy to Ukraine, the former US ambassador to NATO, had served as a top-level CIA operative and as a senior adviser to the Atlantic Council senior before taking a senior position with Burisma. In September, 2018, Volker introduced Zlochevsky, Burisma’s owner, to State Department officials at a New York Atlantic Council event, and, in 2019, Volker accompanied Zlochevsky to the Washington gala celebrating the election of Nancy Pelosi as House Speaker. Though Volker resigned as Trump’s envoy to Ukraine, he remained at Burisma, serving as an Atlantic Council war planner and SPECTRE advisor to Hunter Biden.

The other CIA veterans that joined Hunter Biden on Burisma’s board of directors were Aleksander Kwasniewski, Poland’s former president, Joseph Cofer Black, the CIA’s most experienced and valued counter terrorism operative anda Alan Apter, a wily Zionist Wall Street banker and a master CIA spy in the Middle East. All were top SPECTRE agents, all were elder statesmen in the spy game. While President of Poland, even under the Kremlin’s watchful eyes, Aleksander Kwasniewski served as a brilliant CIA agent. Once his term as Poland’s president ended, Kwasniewski took a faculty position at the Jesuit’s Georgetown University and directed Kiev’s Center for Political Studies. Not only was Kwa?niewski a seasoned veteran of the Atlantic Council, he was also a member of the uber-secret Bilderberg Group. Joseph Cofer Black, a recipient of the CIA’s highest award, the Distinguished Intelligence Medal, was the director of the CIA’s department of counterterrorism and served as ambassador, at large, for the US State Department. Cofer Black’s vast experience in overthrowing governments even ranked him higher than Obama’s CIA director. Ukraine’s SPECTRE-central was manned by the most experienced, connected and effective espionage team anywhere in the world. And to make certain that all its plans would be realized, SPECTRE put Donald Trump in the White House.

They Are Just Like Us

Recently the news media boldly proclaimed that, unlike the Iraqis and Afghanis, the Ukrainians are just like us. This bit of CIA propaganda drolly confirms that the true ideology behind US policy is not democracy, but fascism. They are just like us echoes the proclamation of the United States Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch: Fascism Forever.




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