Blog - Edge of Cat-tastrophy
Jill Button
????Providing stress free, procurement services, strategic sourcing, negotiation and supplier management. Specializing in IT Procurement, ERP, Business Systems, Software and Managed Services.
Setting out on an extended long, long weekend away, my thoughts were focused on the coming second summer being promised by the weather channel. As the last weekend of the summer approached, I was really looking forward to spending time on the lake, getting away from the hustle and bustle of the city, or busy suburb, as the case may be.? It had been a particularly busy week for my team and I, wrapping up a big contract negotiation for my favourite client, finalizing various grant and award submissions, putting the last-minute touches on upcoming marketing campaigns, following up on new ProcureHub registrations, launching a new client project all while dealing with catching up on administration, paying bills, payroll, etc.? Such is the busy life of a small business and entrepreneur.?
With so much going on, I’m often distracted with thoughts of work, what I still had to get done on my To-Do list, what I may have forgotten, phone calls to make, emails to send or respond to.? Its like slogging through quicksand some days, the progress is slow and exhausting.? I admit I was distracted arriving at our destination with my youngest, two dogs and a cat named Jack.? My husband was to join us the next day, so it was just the two of us unloading the car, putting away supplies.? As I settled in to catch up on the first episode of The Bear, and relax, I noticed the back door was ajar.? As I went to investigate with a wave of fear, I saw the screen door was also ajar and knew immediately, Jack was gone.?
Jack the cat, or ‘Jack, Jack’ as I call him, after the fiery baby character on Disney’s The Incredibles is known by many names; Jack Ass, Jack the Ripper, Jack in the Box, Jack-a-poo, Jumping Jack Flash and some other rude names which I will refrain from mentioning.? He’s a somewhat aloof cat, with the rest of the family but with Sam my youngest, he is smitten.? The bond between the two is obvious as he follows them around the house, while Sam is completely bonded with Jack who for them is their whole world.? The bond between them as with most pet and owner relationships, is one of complete and utter love and adoration. ?
I’m ashamed to admit it, but this wasn’t the first time we lost Jack.? A little over a year ago, he slipped out the door at our home and was gone for the entire day.? We scoured the neighbourhood, rallied friends, family, put up flyers for lost cat on every mailbox, and telephone pole, posted ads on Facebook, checked with local vets, lost pet groups including the Humane Society, hoping, and praying for his safe return.? Sam was completely devastated, as was the rest of the family.? Its remarkable how Jack the cat, in such a short time became such a critical part of our family, along with our dogs; Rory his fury brother from another mother, who adores him and Luna his evil stepsister, who can just barely tolerate him.?
It felt like our little world stood still, all our time, energy and emotions were wrapped up in looking for Jack.? An entire day of wringing hands, tears, anger, and despair at ever finding him.? We have a thriving population of coyotes living in the near by green belt and so with night approaching, rain falling and temperatures dropping, we feared the worst.? Finally, he was found by my oldest daughter two doors down, cold and wet, cowering under a bush less than 100 metres from our house.? Not long after, I purchased Apple Air Tags and collar never wanting to go through that trauma again.?
The difference now was we were in a remote Northern Ontario area surrounded by forest and not just coyotes but bears and other hungry wildlife with only a few spread out neighbours on either side and it was almost dark.? That same feeling of fear and adrenaline came over me and kicked us into high gear searching for Jack along the forested road, alerting neighbours, who joined in the search, using flashlights to hopefully aluminate his glowing cat’s eyes hiding in the bushes, praying it would be Jack and not some vicious racoon, cougar, or bear!? After a couple hours searching, exhausted with hope fading, I called my husband and oldest daughter to tell them the dreaded news and was about to post “Missing Cat” on the local Facebook group when I heard Sam screaming; “I did it!,? I did it!” coming in from a last-ditch effort searching, ?with the wild-eyed Jack in their arms. Seeing the pure joy and relief on Sam’s face,? I immediately burst into tears, overwhelmed with relief, that the cat-tastrophy had been averted!
Always looking for the lessons in life, I reflect on what this potentially cat-o-strophic event has taught me;
I’m sure there are other lessons I will discover over the long weekend as I finally have time to relax and reflect.? For now I am feeling incredibly grateful that I’m able to relax and enjoy the coming second summer days ahead and not consoling my child after losing their beloved pet.? Perhaps that is the 4th ?lesson.? 4. Be grateful for what you have.? While to us this was a traumatic event, it really is insignificant in comparison to what other families experience with real trauma, heart ache and loss.? Everyone is going through something, every day, enduring and responding as best they can to life’s challenges.? It’s the in-between-moments, though seemingly fleeting, we need to appreciate and be grateful for; a fury friend, a smiling child, a supportive neighbour, a beautiful lake, a cozy cottage, a sunny day, being an entrepreneur, a dedicated team, loyal customers, and an Apple Air Tag collar, which today will be going around Jack’s neck.
If your curious about the real life as an entrepreneur, my company ProcurePro or our B2B Services Marketplace ProcureHub, click the links to learn more, but preferably, after the long weekend.? Happy Labour Day!? Enjoy the long weekend!