BLOG; A Day in the LIfe

BLOG; A Day in the LIfe

I have had such a crazy week thus far... but today I am Giving myself some breathing room...and relaxing a little (after the fact)...from that long and treacherous drive to Nashville... My body is still sore!!... Need a massage bad!!!.. Otherwise I am good and blessed to see another day...

What are your plans today??..?

Good Morning!!!... Good Afternoon!!!

Good Day!!!!

I'm here just having some coffee and listening to the sounds of nature out on my back porch...while I do my writing therapy...;)

It's quite comforting and relaxing. Flowing in out of prayer throughout my day is not uncommon. As one must pray daily. It's a great practice to get used to! I myself choose to pray in the early morning when I 1st awaken... 2pm in the afternoon is usually a good time daily for me as well... then of course later at night before bedtime around 11pm is our final time for prayer before we close our eyes and end our day.?

We give thanks again for a beautiful day and pray that we are blessed and gifted to see tomorrow!!! Tomorrow is a gift we are not promised, we can only hope and believe that there will be a tomorrow. But the reality is that many by statistics will not see tomorrow while the rest of us (God willing) get to explore a new day. I shall remain respectful and cautious of what I say. But I shall only be blessed to see tomorrow and will give my all today to make that happen.?

I have pushed my limits and gone beyond my mental capacity for what I am willing to put myself through. And while driving a truck was unforgettable I don't think it's something I would care to do again. Though the money was definitely worth the near cost of my sanity. Only I know what really happened in the cab of that truck with no radio for 12 hours. I can tell you this much I have definitely given myself a good talking to and I was abrupt when I needed to be so don't worry! I kept it 100% Me, Myself and I had quite the conversation during this long trip. But one thing was for certain my "eye" always remained on the road before me at all times. I don't recall my left eye coming online to help, but thats ok!!! When Life hands you lemons you make lemonade??!!...right???

All in all I did enjoy the scenery that was put before me... the change of colors... the bodies of water in the middle of the foothills...the rising and falling peaks that I wandered my way through as I drove through turn after turn. But all in all when all was said and done we arrived safely at our destination. Only to find out that my flight home was only 1.5 hrs from my time of arrival. Luckily with the grace of God, my uber driver arrived and whisked me away to the Nashville Airport. Where I arrived in just enough time to be practically stripped searched by TSA. God Bless Them. After all I am a Retired TSA AGENT...yes indeed... I worked at the airport in Vail Colorado...hahaha?

So how interesting I found the difference in protocols and demeanor of the agents and on such a large scale. As Nashville Airport is barely holding together as it practically is coming apart at its seams. The need for expansion is blatantly apparent. None the less we made it through just in time to reach our gate and board our flight. The Gate attendant was very kind as were the Southwest flight attendants. The quick ride home was only 1hr 20mins vs the 12-13hrs it just took us to drive to Nashvile. So thanks to Southwest for the safe flight home.

And as quick as these last few days went by, that's just a part of my week or what can happen at any given moment as a Freelancer for hire. What job is it that you need done??

How can we be of service?

It's amazing the things we can get ourselves to do. And in doing so open up the realm of possibilities as to what else we can do to help your business grow. As it is, we are growing leaps and bounds by the day in so many ways. Let's hope and pray you and your business are doing the same!

? All Rights Reserved

#business #business101 #writing #blogging #writingtherapy #adventure #leapsandbounds #tobeofservice #memyselfandi


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