Blog 2.8 - Week 8 of Start-up
Blog Caveat:
? We are actually 1-month into future of the blog, but each post was written live along the way.
? We will post a short blog each Sunday reflecting on the week-that-was. See Blog 2.0 for intro to series.
Archived Blogs: 2.1 - 2.2 - 2.3 - 2.4 - 2.5 - 2.6 - 2.7
? Comments and questions are greatly appreciated. Let’s start a conversation.
Monday June 12th – Sunday June 18th
Timeframe Quotes:
“Feels like we’ve got a million things going on at once”
“We’re growing!”
“How can we create a value-prop to bring on members to our team?”
“We’ve got to make sure we execute our event this Saturday!!!”
“We’ve just secured the biggest part of our future and 12 month vision!!!!”
“Crazy week, let’s party”
What did we do?
- Conducted two full days of in-take phone calls/interviews
- Created 8 unique role descriptions
- Officially added 14 people to the OeSL and created first org. chart
- Printed materials for Microsoft event on Saturday
- Rehearsed Microsoft event strategy with OeSL members who will be in attendance
- Visited target venue to touch base for upcoming events/initiatives
- I know I’ve said this before, but an absolute breakthrough meeting with target venue. Confirmed alliance for future events in the summer and to be the host for our revenue generating and profitable “league” to be launched in September!
- Ran 2nd tournament and 1st with corporate partner, Microsoft!
- Successes of tournament: 14 participants, OeSL prizes, Microsoft prizes, awesome footage/content, positive experience for both OeSL and Microsoft, future collaboration ideas exchanged!
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