Blog 2.1 - Week 1 of Start-up
Blog Caveat:
- We will post a short blog each Sunday reflecting on the week-that-was. See Blog 2.0 for intro to the series.
- We are actually 1 month into future of the blog, but each post was written live along the way.
- Comments and questions are greatly appreciated. Let’s start a conversation.
Monday April 24th – Sunday April 30th
Timeframe Quotes:
“This market is 10X bigger than we could have ever imagined”
“We’ve officially become a player in the marketplace”
"We are going to dominate our competitors"
“Time to hustle”
What did we do?
- Received several reach outs from Social Media network from both close and distant friends as well as strangers
- Scheduled meetings and phone calls with all those who reached out
- Follow up meeting with Venue partner to discuss collaboration and status update
- Printed flyers to distribute in high volume and potential target market areas
- Became comfortable speaking to strangers about our business and event... even in Starbucks** Spoiler for Blog 2.4
- Identified target audiences/groups on Facebook and began reaching out directly to promote event
- Attended and observed a competitor’s event
- Updated vision with new lessons learned and created a running list of “good ideas”
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