blog-09: where's the secret sauce?
where's the secret sauce?
Hi there movers & shakers...want to know the secret to business? I hate to tell you...there isn't one.
But before you get too disheartened let me backtrack a bit & explain.
I'm Shelley Cox, the winemaker-turned-entrepreneur, a mom to three delightful kiddos, and so I get how important it is to balance work and play. I also know that being productive and adding value doesn't always mean long hours at a desk away from home & family. That's why my hubby Sam and I set up our co-working space in the heart of Tanunda in 2019 (remember that joy-filled pre-Covid time!!??). We are all about sharing spaces within regions, collaborating, and #doinggoodthings! So grab a coffee, kick back, and join me as I spill the beans on the secret to business going forward and keeping it real.
Create space for collaboration // Welcome to Workspace Barossa! Our co-working space is all about fostering connections, sharing knowledge, and creating a supportive community. Whether you're a one-person show or a team of go-getters, our workspace is designed to help you thrive. From office studios that scream "you mean business" to flexible spaces that embrace your ever-changing needs, we've got it all covered.
After 20 years in the wine industry, I witnessed that not everyone likes to work the same - and nor should they! Some people are night owls, others like to get in early. Some like to smash out work with headphones on, others get their creative juices going by taking a moment on the lounge to flip through a magazine. By working to and sharing our strengths we can get the best results together.
Adapting to this Wild Ride we call Business // Well, well, well, the business world has taken us for quite the ride, hasn't it? Since we opened our doors back in 2019, we've seen it all. But one thing's for sure: lean operations are the name of the game now. Wastage? Ain't nobody got time for that! We've tightened our belts, streamlined our processes, and said goodbye to anything that doesn't spark joy or have a purpose in our business.
This is core to our business model - our spaces are 'pay-for-what-you-need-when-you-need-it' with flexibility built in, so that you can consistently manage your business costs, while still getting the benefits of working in a professional, supportive community.
Find your people // Marketing in this digital age can be daunting, but fear not - when you approach marketing as 'sharing what you do' - and udnerstand that you are just looking for like-minded individuals to share your message with - it gets easier. Keep It Simply Silly.
Take the time to get to know your audience so that you can share your story, craft your messages that speak to them. Understand their needs and aspirations. Then talk to them. Share what you do. How you do it. No wasted ad spend here, folks – just maximum impact and more high-fives than you can count!
Authenticity: the core of everything // Listen up, folks! Bullshit isn't tolerated here. We've found that being real, open, and honest - sharing all the good and bad - creates magic in our community. People today have developed a keen sense for sniffing out insincerity No pretending, no fluff - just genuine connections and open communication among our members. Be yourself. By fostering an environment where individuals can be their authentic selves, we create a community of trust and collaboration.
So bring your true self to the table, my friend, you're pretty darn amazing.
#DoGoodThings // Here's the deal: we're not just about working hard in business at all costs - we need to be sustainable and balance it out with some play time too - and understand what we're doing it for. Afterall, I didn't get out of the wine game on a pretty good wage to work three times as hard for no pay!! We want the choice to work with great people, create amazing opportunities and spend time watching our kids grow and thrive.
Business is tough but equally exciting and rewarding. We're here to inspire you to #DoGoodThings. From sustainable initiatives to community support and everything in between, we're all about making a positive impact.
We hope our co-working space is the launching pad for your big dreams and world-changing ideas. So, you fabulous go-getters, let's embrace productivity where it's needed, have a fun time and keep things real. No secret sauce. Just #DoGoodThings.