#BlockchainAR validation - Sweep and Agent Reality - hyper-local AR game engagements.
O-Week and Sweep App success
? 2,625 participants across the universities; ? Download count to date of 27,000; ? Over 13,600 monthly active users; ? Update of Sweep app development.
Thred Ltd (ASX: THD, Thred or the Company) is pleased to present shareholders with results from Sweep’s Orientation Week (O-Week) activities. In February, the Sweep team participated in UNSW and University of Sydney O-Week events, driving awareness of the Sweep app and building audience and engagement.
O-Week unveiled Sweep’s first Augmented Reality (AR) feature allowing users to discover AR ‘markers’ on campuses that revealed a unique AR experience when viewed through the camera in the app. These AR properties were able to be collected into a digital wallet and redeemed for real life prizes.
The AR properties were treated as digital assets allowing Sweep to test the use of our blockchain ledger as a means of transferring unique tokens of value. Sweep also trialled the Sweep business portal with the participating universities.
The Sweep business portal allows businesses to communicate with potential customers and deliver promotions and advertising. During the trial, this was used to direct students to certain areas on campus and engage first-year students to answer any questions they had.
The activation achieved the following outcomes: ? 2,625 on-foot participants of the AR game across the two universities; ? 27,000 downloads to date; and; ? over 13,600 monthly active users.
Given the success of both the AR feature and the underlying blockchain as a means of transferring these assets, Sweep will seek to combine these technologies to create new opportunities for gamification in the next release of the app.