Blockchain Smart Contracts

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In the previous post , you went through the concepts of Ethereum and how it is working. In this post , you will learn the basic principles in Smart Contracts, how it is working and how and where you can use Smart contracts. 

The concept of Smart contracts emerged in 1993 by the idea of  computer scientist and cryptographer Nick Szabo. His idea was about a kind of a digital vending machine where users can input data or value to receive definitive item from the machine. Ethereum used this concept to revolutionized the blockchain industry and it enabled many avenues for regular developers to join into the cryptocurrency world. Many scholars agree that the version 2.0 of blockchain being emerged with the introduction of Smart contracts. 

As a simple example, one person can send 1 Ether to another person via a contract. But unlike regular cryptocurrency transaction, smart contract transactions can be based on some conditions. ie:The amount will be transferred to the recipient based on some conditions defined in the smart contract. As an example the recipient will receive the amount after 12 hours.

Following are the main characteristics of a Smart contract. 


The agreement is made by the people who got involved in( sender and the recipient in our previous example ) and there is no need of lawyers , escrow company or any other intermediary to confirm. This will immediately eliminate the requirement of a third party because the execution is managed by the network itself.   


The Smart contract and the related documents are in the blockchain and hence , inherited all the security and trust features that blockchain offers.  If you trust Bitcoin or Ethereum cryptocurrency transaction, there is no reason to untrust a Smart contract associated in the blockchain because both are in the same ecosystem. 


If you want to have an agreement with another party and decide to go with a traditional agreement scheme, how many documents that you need to process and sign?, how long would it take ? and how much you need to pay for the document fees and other intermediary charges? With Smart contracts you do not need to do any of those. It's just a usage of software code to automate the task.  


Since smart contracts are persisted in the blockchain, we do not need to worry about managing backups. The contract code and the state would replicate in many instances. 


In a manual agreement processing , there are high probability of getting it wrong. And furthermore, there is a high chance of leading into inappropriate execution of contracts based on circumstances such as corruption. Smart contracts are not only faster and cheaper but also avoid the errors that come from manually filling out heaps of forms. 

Ok, now we learned few basic concepts in Smart contracts. Enough of theories , lets move in to a real example and try to understand this concept and understand how to apply it into a real world scenario.

Smart Contract Example 

To illustrate how to design a Smart contract based solution, I am taking a simple scenario of Pizza delivery system.

Smart Contract example

In a regular pizza delivery , the customer can order the required pizza via Pizza Inc’s online web store.  Customer do the payment using his/her credit card and the Pizza Inc confirms the order upon successful payment verification from the bank. There is an option of order the Pizza without paying any amount and settle the payment upon delivery. Pizza Inc guarantees the delivery of Pizza above some temperature and some delivery time period as well ( Let's say the Pizza should be delivered within 30 mins of order confirmation and above 40C temperature ).

We are doing this kind of transactions everyday. But there is a huge trust issue in this problem. 

  1. What if the customer orders a pizza without paying any amount and deny the payment upon delivery ? 
  2. What is the Pizza Inc accepts the online card transaction and deny to deliver the pizza ? 
  3. How to resolve any violations to the agreement ? 

We will try to solve this trust problem using Smart contracts and provider a better solution for the Pizza delivery problem. 

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In the updated solution with Smart Contracts , a new Smart contract would create upon confirming the order by client. Customer needs to escrow the amount in the smart contract upon creation. But this amount would not receive to the Pizza Inc until the delivery been made. After Pizza is made, the Smart contract would assign a delivery person. The Smart contract would monitor the gps location of the delivery vehicle by attached GPS sensors . The temperature can be monitored using a small temperature monitoring sensor attached to the Pizza box. These GPS sensor and the temperature sensor can be identified as Oracles to the smart contract. One important thing in this design is we need to make sure the trustworthiness of the Oracles. Because the Smart contract executes based on the data been feed by these Oracles. 

The customer’s location can be geo fenced and the delivery completion can be triggered upon the delivery vehicle reaching customer’s geo fence. By this time , the Smart contract can check the time violation and temperature violation. If there are no violations according to the agreement, the Smart contract send the escrowed amount  to the Pizza Inc. The Smart contract can be further enhanced to handle violations as well. As an example , if the temperature drops in 5C , customer can get 15% discount. In this situation the Smart contract would send the 85% of escrowed amount to the Pizza Inc and rest of the 15% to the customer. This is fully automated and there should be no intermediate to validate these violations and money liquidation.   

In this example both Customer and the Pizza Inc do not need to trust each other or any third party intermediary. All they need to trust is the Smart contract. 

Following is a pseudocode for the proposed Smart contract. 

FUNCTION Constructor (Customer’s wallet address, Pizza Inc’s wallet address, customer’s geo location, Pizza’s price )


	Initialize all required variables 


FUNCTION Monitor_Tempature ( Temperature ) 


	IF (Temperature < 40)


		Increment the tempuature_violation by 1



FUNCTION Monitor_GPS ( Delivery_person's_GPS_Location ) 


	IF (Delivery_person's_GPS_Location INSIDE customer’s geo fence)


		Check the time to take the delivery 

		Check number of temperature violations 

		IF(No violations)


			Send the Pizza’s price to the Pizza Inc


		ELSE IF(temperature violation < 5C)


			Send the Pizza’s price * 0.85 to Pizza Inc’s wallet address

Send the Pizza’s price * 0.15 to Customer’s wallet address




			Reject the delivery 

			Send the Pizza’s price to Customer’s wallet address




Smart Contracts in the Industry 

Smart contracts can be applied to any industry where someone needs to automate a process without any intermediary trust party. In this section, we are going to analyze who are the early industry adaptors of this wonderful technology. 

Insurance Industry 

The current process of insurance policy claims takes few weeks or few months to paid. There is lot of manual processes going on which require lots of human labour effort. These costs ultimately added to the customer as  premium fees. 

As an example, we can take housing insurance policy for natural disasters. The weather conditions can be acquired by many sources such as wind speed, water levels etc.. Additional sensors can be placed into the insured property. When disaster happens, the payment process can be automated based on the policy’s rules based on the data provided by Oracles. 

Transport and Logistics 

 Transport and logistics industry is one of the leading industry in the world. There are many different independant silos get involved in this industry such as government controlled Customs, transporters , warehouses etc.. The problem is, all these silos work independently and there is no transparency in between. Many documents needs to verified and approved back and forth in order smoothen up the operation. 

If we can implement a smart contract where all these different silos can connect, the transparency and trust can be improved a lot. If there is a shipment , we can create a Smart contract with all the rules that can be applied into that shipment where it going through all these different entities. By using IoT and other technologies we can perform the tracking and other verifications. Different software systems can be integrated into the Smart contract using open APIs. As the most important advantage , every stakeholder associated with this transport job can have a single window where the trust is maintained by the blockchain technology. 

Internet of Things 

Internet of Things ( IoT ) becomes a major buzzword over the last few years where everything trying to connect to the internet from life saving pacemaker to industrial machinery. But the burning problems in the IoT industry right now now , how to to validate IoT endpoints. These endpoints are mostly developed using cheap electronics where you can find in eBay or Alibaba. How we can make sure that they are providing correct values or they are not hacked by some third party? How can we trust the silicon chip inside these devices? 

One way to reduce the risk of this problems if to validate the IoT device and the manufacturer. If the devices are attached into a Smart contract from early stages such as chip manufacturing to the sales, some one can authenticate these products via the Smart contract. More or less we can come up with a framework such as Know Your Hardware ( KYH ).

Property Registration

Many forgeries can happen and already happening in the field of registrations. From personal registrations to Land or Car registrations. Right now what we have as a title of a property , is just a piece of These pieces of papers can be forged in many ways and can use maliciously.  There might be software systems where these might get tight up into a database records. But can we trust those centrally managed systems? 

We can easily digitize these properties and build a digital twin of the physical property. The digital twin can be implemented as a Smart contract and can be placed in a blockchain. So every transaction ( let's say you are selling your land to another person ) can be considered as Smart contract state change and the title should transferred accordingly. Even in this scenario we can implement a single window of truth to government institutes or anyone who needs to verify these property details.  

These are only few examples that we can provide as how we can use the Smart contract in the industry. Apart from these there are vast variety of use cases. As I said before, the technology is there and its usage is up to your imagination and creativity. 


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