Blockchain Run World
Jean-Christophe HUC
Directeur Technique r&d | CTO | Expert en industrialisation logicielle & Innovation IA
Blockchain Technology – 1 THING to Rule us all
?Blockchain technology first appeared in 2008.?First called block chain, it was invented by an entity known as Satoshi Nakamoto as a distributed transaction ledger for the bitcoin, also invented by the same person or people.?No one knows who Satoshi Nakamoto is, or even if he/she/they is a person or a group of people.
?The invention of the blockchain was essential for bitcoin to solve the problem inherent in digital currency of double-spending.?Double-spending refers to the fact that digital files are too easy to duplicate or counterfeit.?Unlike what happens when hard cash is counterfeited, which is removed from circulation as it is discovered, digital counterfeits dilute the pool, which diminishes both the value of the currency (inflation) and trust (tendency to retain and use the currency).
?The blockchain is described in the Harvard Business Review as “an open, distributed ledger that can record transactions between two parties efficiently and in a verifiable and permanent way.�Blockchains are inherently accurate and secure by nature.?This is because once the data is recorded in any given block, it’s not possible to alter the data retroactively without the alteration of all subsequent blocks.
?Blockchain is now being used in many areas, including but not limited to:?cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, financial services, video games, energy trading, supply chain, domain names, and more.
?But there is another, perhaps darker side to blockchain technology.?We are getting a glimpse of this in 2020 in its use in healthcare.
?Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic (aka, the Wuhan virus), EY (formerly Ernst & Young) worked on a blockchain that would make it possible for employers, governments, the transportation industry, and others to track people who have had antibody tests suggesting possible immunity to the virus.?But interestingly enough, EY is very heavily involved in China where they employ more than 8,500 people, as of 2010.
?China (run by the Chinese Communist Party, or CCP), is also a heavy user of blockchain technology, as is the Roman Catholic Church under Pope Francis, who took office in 2013.
?What is it that makes these facts somewhat, or perhaps very, ominous?
?They are all connected.?
?Just as a blockchain system connects everything in one never-ending chain of data blocks, these organizations are all connected.?Pope Francis, the CCP, the World Bank, the World Monetary Fund, the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, the CCP, and massive corporations like EY and even larger ones are all working together.
?The CCP appears to be at the center of it all, but while they play a very big part, they are not necessarily who is behind it all.?They are very unlikely to be the ones behind it but they are very much involved.
The ones behind it are much harder to pin down.?They used to use the term New World Order (NWO), a term we who are old enough have heard used by people such as Henry Kissinger, Madeline Albright (both recently fired by President Donald Trump), and George H. W. Bush.??
The New World Order is now listed on Wikipedia and elsewhere as a conspiracy theory.?That is simply not true, although watch for all references proving it false to eventually be scrubbed from the Internet, which is something that Google IS presently doing, having personally been witnessed by Yours Truly in other cases.
?For now, you can read the article about George H.W. Bush and the New World Order on odyssey.?It speaks very truthfully of what he meant in the statement “The New World Order was not about U.S. domination over the world. It was about instituting a liberal world order that would promote peace, unity, and morality.�That is precisely what the New World Order has always meant.
?Those who now dare to so brazenly call it a conspiracy theory on Wikipedia have first redefined its meaning to be that the United States would somehow take over and impose its will on the rest of the world.?That has never been the meaning of the term.?The claim is an outright lie.
?But those who have been working toward the NWO have cleverly deflected those of their followers who might be watching by branding it a conspiracy theory, and are now talking about?The Great Reset, a “better, safer world,†where “no one has any privacy, but everyone is safe and therefore happy.â€
?Enter Big Tech, companies such as Alphabet (parent of Google), Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and maybe Alibaba.?There are others, but these four (or five), unless antitrust lawsuits are successful, are going to swallow them up.?These massive multinational behemoths are absolutely committed to the Great Reset.
?Before we proceed, let’s take a look at what the combination of the players listed to this point means. They are:
1.????The United Nations (UN)
2.????The Roman Catholic Church (RCC)
3.????The World Bank
4.????The World Monetary Fund (WMF)
5.????The World Economic Forum (WEF)
6.????The World Health Organization (WHO)
7.????Big Tech
8.????Big Business
9.????The CCP
?Let’s look at the CCP first, because this is probably the least important of them all.
?The CCP is temporary, just as the USSR was in the past.?Both are useful experiments in collective governments, which is what the UN aspires to be.?The UN intends to become the eventual single world government.?The CCP wants to control the UN, but they are highly unlikely to ever be powerful enough.
?However, they have proven themselves to be a very useful testing ground for artificial intelligence (AI) or so-called Smart Technology that can “learn†and build databases on its own with very little human input.?No country in the world has as many cameras watching every citizen as China does, with plenty of help from US Big Tech firms like Google.
?All the information from those cameras, bank terminals, retail terminals, health providers, and more are connected to the central database.?Then AI is used to analyze everything done by every citizen to decide whether they deserve to be rewarded or penalized.?High scores under this system let citizens travel the world, live in nice neighborhoods, get the best jobs, eat the best food, etc.?Low scores can make it impossible to go anywhere or get a decent job.
?At present, in a free society, such a system is unthinkable, yet that is where we are going.?2020 has given us a glimpse of how we might get there.?Governments around the world have been successful so far in requiring people to stay home, stay at a distance from even their closest friends, and wear masks everywhere, including in outdoor spaces where there are few people and lots of good fresh air.
?The UN has already approached Pope Francis the head of the largest religion in the world, the RCC, to help create a single religion out of all the world’s present religions.?He has proven very open to the idea and appears to be actively pursuing it, making proclamations that are even shocking some of the most liberal in the church he heads.
Big Tech communications giants Facebook, Google, and YouTube, along with their legacy media minions, have controlled more and more of the conversation in 2020.?They have censored scientists, doctors, and other health professionals for daring to share a differing opinion other than the WHO-accepted one.?But worse, for the first time in history, a sitting United States president has been audaciously censored and prevented from effectively communicating with a very large percentage of the American population!
This proves that Facebook, Google, and YouTube are now large enough to believe they have enough power to openly shut down the most powerful leader on the planet.?That should scare people.?But that’s not the end of it.
?While the same US president and many with similar ideas in the US and around the world have spoken out against onerous lockdowns to stop the spread of a new virus (which has proven to be far less deadly than originally believed), the lockdowns continue.?Small retail businesses have taken a terrible toll, while massive companies like Amazon and Alibaba have been making a fortune in the online retail business.?When the lockdowns end, many of their relatively tiny competitors in the real world will no longer exist.
?But while the virus that first appeared in Wuhan has been a bonanza for Amazon and Alibaba, and an excuse for Big Tech communications companies to censor anyone whose message they don’t like, it has reached a level potentially even higher.?World leaders such as Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada and presidential hopeful Joe Biden of the United States have spoken of COVID-19 being an “opportunity†for a “great reset.�
?But that term is one that was coined by and came out of the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland in 2020.?If the term doesn’t scare you, you either don’t know what it means or don’t care about freedom.?The Great Reset is one of the scariest concepts ever to appear in politics in world history, and it has a lot of support.?But that is the subject of another article.?
In a nutshell, it would mean the end of private ownership, the end of money, and the total end of privacy.?Together, it means the total end of personal freedom.
?What makes all of this very possible for the first time in our history is blockchain technology and AI.?It is now possible to create a single, worldwide database that is always up-to-date and that contains all the information about every citizen in every location on the planet.
?As mentioned above, the CCP has already been using a system that collects virtually all digital information created from any digital device in the entire country of China.?Added to that, they watch every citizen at all times.?There is now no way to move around or live comfortably and safely in China without offering total submission to the Chinese Communist Party.
?But with blockchain, it is possible to do this on a world-wide basis.?It is no longer a matter of how, but a matter of how to convince the world to accept such a system.?Even this is well on the way to being done.
?The number one force used to bring all this about is fear.?Many already have a terrible fear of climate change.?It is no mystery why all debate about what drives it is ridiculed and censored.?The people must fear the impending doom and must not be allowed to question it or to question what drives it.
?Now a killer virus has been added to be feared.?Again, questioning its danger is not allowed. Reporting on it must always be about the number of cases, with very little said about the number of fatalities because – well – that number just isn’t very scary.
?These fears combined have been successful beyond the wildest dreams of those who want to bring the whole world under the control of the elite who now own most of the means of communications and commerce, and who are bringing the other major force in the world, religion, under their heel, as well.
?As we used to hear on the long-running Star Trek series, they know we now have the technology to go where no man has gone before.?The question is, “Do we want to?â€?Or maybe, “Can we stop it even if we don’t want to?â€
?Watch the USA over the next few weeks.?Watch China in 2021.?A lot is riding on what happens in those two countries.?It could be a very wild ride!
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