To Blockchain or not to Blockchain?
"For those who are considering starting their own business, I’m going to start by heavily understating the obvious. When you start-up a business, unless you have a team invested in the project with you, you’re going to be doing everything yourself. Everything.
This has its benefits: you make your own decisions and have ultimate control on the path you take, which can be enlightening and invigorating. You (have to) develop skills you didn’t think you had, like muscles that you never thought you had, aching after an exhausting work out in the gym.
On the flip side, YOU have to do everything. Like that work out in the gym, this will be exhausting, physically and mentally. Days of tremendous euphoria will inevitably be followed by pessimism and darkness..."
Continue reading in Part 2 of our blog "Making of an ICO: Journey of a Start up".