Blockchain Macroeconomics Theory "BMT"
Sary Qasim
iBLOCKCHAIN CSO | GBA MENA Region Lead | "Blockchain Macroeconomics Theory" Author
An Introduction to the Blockchain Macroeconomics Theory "BMT"
Well, The answer to all the above questions is: We do have enough resources to secure all of these concerns and MORE...
So what's going on? what is missing to make it happen? To make the world a better place, free of hunger and poverty, sustainable, safe, and joyful.
After reading my article, you will be able to answer this question and understand a lot of things going on in the world based on our 2000 years of experience so far. and as I always said: In a time of rapid changes, your experience could become your worst enemy. (This is exactly what is going on these days).
*Capitalism Experience:
What Is Capitalism?
Capitalism is an economic system in which private individuals or businesses own capital goods.?The production of goods and services is based on supply and demand in the general market—known as a?market economy—rather than through central planning—known as a planned economy or?command economy.
The purest form of capitalism is free market or?laissez-faire?capitalism. Here, private individuals are unrestrained. They may determine where to invest, what to produce or sell, and at which prices to exchange goods and services. The laissez-faire marketplace operates without checks or controls.
Today, most countries practice a mixed capitalist system that includes some degree of?government regulation?of business and ownership of select industries.
History of capitalism
Although the continuous development of capitalism as a system dates only from the 16th century,?antecedents?of capitalist institutions existed in the ancient world, and flourishing pockets of capitalism were present in Europe during the later?Middle Ages. The development of capitalism was spearheaded by the growth of the English cloth industry during the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. The feature of this development that distinguished capitalism from previous systems was the use of accumulated?capital?to enlarge productive capacity rather than to invest in economically unproductive enterprises, such as pyramids and cathedrals. This characteristic was encouraged by several historical events.
In the?ethic?fostered by the?Protestant?Reformation?of the 16th century, traditional?disdain?for the acquisitive effort was diminished while hard?work?and frugality were given a stronger religious sanction.?Economic inequality?was justified on the grounds that the wealthy were more virtuous than the poor.
Another contributing factor was the increase in Europe’s?supply?of?precious?metals and the resulting?inflation?in?prices.?Wages?did not rise as fast as prices in this period, and the main beneficiaries of the inflation were the capitalists. The early capitalists (1500–1750) also enjoyed the benefits of the rise of strong national?states?during the?mercantilist?era. The policies of national power followed by these states succeeded in providing the basic social conditions, such as uniform?monetary?systems and legal codes, necessary for?economic development?and eventually made possible the shift from public to private?initiative.
Beginning in the 18th century in?England, the focus of capitalist development shifted from commerce to?industry. The steady capital accumulation of the preceding centuries was invested in the practical application of technical knowledge during the?Industrial Revolution. The?ideology?of classical capitalism was expressed in?An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations?(1776), by the Scottish economist and philosopher?Adam Smith, which recommended leaving economic decisions to the free play of self-regulating?market?forces. After the?French Revolution?and the?Napoleonic Wars?had swept the remnants of feudalism into oblivion, Smith’s policies were increasingly put into practice. The policies of 19th-century political?liberalism?included?free trade, sound?money?(the?gold standard), balanced?budgets, and minimum levels of poor relief. The growth of industrial capitalism and the development of the?factory system?in the 19th century also created a vast new class of industrial workers whose generally miserable working and living conditions inspired the revolutionary philosophy of?Karl Marx?(see also?Marxism). Marx’s prediction of the inevitable overthrow of capitalism in a?proletarian-led?class?war proved shortsighted, however.
Where we are?
Despite the big benefits and revolutions that happened to the world in the past 100 years under capitalism systems, We do not deny here that the workers, administrators and some leaders of government systems actually want the welfare and well-being of their people, but unfortunately, Currently they are trying in a failed project from its foundation to its infrastructure... Or as it is said (they put water in a sieve), they can never save this water despite their misery in bringing it and preparing it for their peoples Because they are under this global financial system that loses them all their resources and colonizes them and puts them under the restrictions of debt and interest, as they put their people under these restrictions in the belief that it is a sound way to deal, trade exchange and sound money
After surrendering to all these restrictions, they force you to follow any policy, belief, or conduct any military action that benefits their interests and develops their real wealth.
Therefore, humanity has now had to stand in front of this incursion of the perverted regime and put an end to this, and from a sound point of view.
Whatever the direction of that party or that, and if you put the best scholars and leaders in humanity to lead societies to justice and peace, unfortunately you will not succeed as long as you are under government criticism and Keynesian economics/theories.
You are going around in a closed circle that will inevitably end in failure under current global financial system, whether your government is a democracy, republic, liberal, monarchy or tyrannical communism... Currently, They are all under a fundamentally wrong system that will only lead to more poverty, hunger, unemployment and class, and the rich get richer and the poor get poorer
And if you think that what is being promoted is that the earth’s resources are insufficient for humanity and that we are actually suffering from a scarcity that may lead to doom and that the increase in human numbers is the reason behind poverty and hunger, then you will certainly listen to the speech of that misguided Keynesian group. This is never true at all. The good on earth is very much, and it is enough to double the number of present human, Read below some Quote by UNEP :
"There is enough food for everyone.
While?progress on reducing hunger has stagnated?in the last five years, evidence suggests that the problem we face today is not a lack of food. Rather, it is a problem of efficiency"
Further to my analsis on UNEP Data I found that Total Food Produced in the World By 2020 was : 2,229,833,367 (Metric Ton)
The World have consumed only 1/3 of it.
It is not only about food, Consider same thing about Industrial products, Water, Electricity , Internet Access and many other earth resources that is available Now.
Currently, We are living in the worst era of the capitalist system, As we have reached the maximum level of the wealth gap between societies' levels.
Our current world is witnessing a wave of anger, loss of confidence, and violent crisis against its governments due to the global financial system, which adopted government cash as a basis as a wrong alternative to the gold standard and followed the Keynesian theories in economics, which caused what we see today in purely consumer societies that lose all meanings of saving and tend to the rapid exchange of money, which is a time preference.
The equations of the current global economy have become so complicated that they lose control of the capital markets and manipulated money markets just like gambling, and the societies of some countries have become only begging for their food because of their currency, according to the federal law.
What the lower-income classes suffer from, as it was decided for them to be by their governments, is a real tragedy that has lost justice, dignity, and humanity in all its meanings from society. And their unsuccessful consumer projects and their benefits, except from the mercy of my Lord.
That category that holds the reins of affairs and governance, and most of them do not understand a tithe of real economic or development science for countries and societies.
The pain that the poor and even the middle class is currently feeling in societies is a legitimate pain and deprivation that has made them lose all confidence in what we may offer their governments that lie to them day and night in a better future, because they are under the shadow of government criticism and a failed system of Exchange Goods, printing money, interest, and debts that have not yet known a way to trade it off, clear it, or get rid of it.
Does Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin can solve this?
Despite I totally a supportive for Decentralized financial freedom , Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency but it is only the First Key of the required change, it is not solving it fully, But it is just the beginning, And a good one.
The people of brilliant minds who sensed the injustice of their governments and resolved to stand up and confront them peacefully without arms or ammunition, realized that creating a new financial system that is out of the control of the current global financial system is a way to escape from the grip of the Federal Reserve, the International Monetary Fund and other authoritarian central banks. Stopping the cycles of printing money, false government criticism and stealing peoples' capabilities and efforts. But these modern digital systems that carry the same wrong capitalist approach and wrong infrastructure that lead their owners and investors as well as ordinary individuals dealing in them to the same crucible or orifice that will eventually lead to a new capitalist system governed by usury, interest and debts and Failed stock market.
To clarify more about the nature of the failure that the digital monetary system or (cryptocurrency) will face in particular.. Imagine, that the dollar will be replaced by Bitcoin, the euro will be replaced by Ethereum, and the yen will be replaced by Dogecoin...etc. or by other digital currencies approaches (CBDC), whether they carry a real project or none,
You will find in the future that these currencies will be subjected to the same inflation and the same rise and fall in prices based on speculative markets, sharks and whales Fishing..etc.
And they are the ones who own the largest number of these currencies by manipulating the market for their personal benefit, as has already happened in many platforms currently traded, and even if they are recognized as official currencies, they will be subject to the laws of the central banks that will regulate them under the umbrella of interests and credit facilities & QE.
Other organizations that fall under the same archaic Keynesian and capitalist content... Except that they will never be organized where programmers can create other digital currencies and subscribe them again.. This chaos is unfortunately miserable attempts to escape from the dominance of current Capitalism, even if Its' intention is sound to escape from the unjust government criticism.. but it will lie within the same regulatory crucible and will not see a free market without manipulation.
And if some assume that Bitcoin deviates from this classification and is completely different from other digital currencies, it is completely decentralized and has limited value, meaning that programmers cannot print more of it, as it is limited to 22 million Bitcoin currencies only, the latest of which will be issued in 2030, and It will not fall under the umbrella of printing and raising inflation as happens in dollars.. However, this assumption is incorrect. The world always needs a flowing standard of sound cash, even if this flow is very slow or difficult as gold is, but it is the only incentive for the continuity of production and the creation of a market. And new opportunities for generations. The limited issuance of Bitcoin is never right for developing or mature economies.. There is always change and renewal in life, and there are generations looking for money and opportunities.. In the best case, Bitcoin will own a very small part of the giants of global industries and money tycoons the bulk of this Cash (if we consider it cash) and they will never distribute it even in their commercial currencies, certain of them that it will never return to their hands again.. it is limited and no other money will be issued, not to mention the possibility of easy manipulation that is currently taking place in the value of digital currencies by what they call pennies or Whales in the stock markets and financial speculation, and they are the ones who own the largest quantities of currencies and therefore they can control the price of supply and demand.
The best example of the failure of the current infrastructure of global markets is what happened with investors in the Robin Hood financial trading platform recently.
Where many small fish gathered in the stock markets through this platform and they all stood in front of the whales trying to thwart the game that always plays against them and they agreed to stand together in front of this system through the social media platform Reddit.
This incident actually led to a review of the system of global markets and stock transactions, and indeed shook the throne of money tycoons who had never expected that modern technology would reach such a degree of compatibility and exposure to their tricks. Despite this momentary success, it failed in the face of the power and influence of this class that forced the platform Robin Hood on rejecting and closing that totally losing deal for them
There is no doubt that the Keynesians and capitalists who benefit from the current global financial system will fight hard against any standing in front of their colonial projects and their endless human greed, and therefore they will fight any new system or new infrastructure that harms their interests and standing in the current world, which is what actually happened with regard to digital currencies and Bitcoin before the regulation process, Where they canceled and prosecuted any platform or digital currency that does not follow the current global financial regulation and under the same Keynesian infrastructure laws until all digital currencies authorized to trade became followed by taxes and financial prosecution and under the laws and provisions of global central banks
Some believe that it is a step in the right direction and that the regulation of digital currencies leads to reducing crime, tracking money and arresting criminals in black markets, the dark web, and others..
This is right for now, Regulating Crypto is important but not with the current centralized financial system, do you think a new decentralized blockchain system would not be able to trace AML and other malicious activities?
Are We ready for a fully decentralized ecosystem?
Most of humanity is not aware enough to choose its decision with its own hands. Rather, the peoples and the vast majority of them follow their political, religious or legal leader in their country, who will not accept such projects without a reward for his category or a good financial distribution in exchange for starting to explain that this currency is the future and that we must start by replacing our current currencies and acquiring digital ones.. and if this category of leaders is actually convinced.. they will fight completely by the regimes that rule the country, the deep state, governments and government criticism because it will completely abolish their control of money and their control over peoples, and in anticipation of the worst cases, some countries have established Many will also follow in the development of digital currencies for central banks or CBDC
An attempt by central banks to tell the world that is affiliated with their cash that they will enable it to have comfortable financial dealings, easy transfer of money and very fast, and extreme cyber protection, as is the case in Bitcoin. The central banks will save the pay of the cost of printing, inks and metallic instruments only, and printing the digital dollar will become digital printing with one click of a button instead of several orders for the central bank’s presses to work (and under the same Keynesian government cash)
In which you will not know when one of the influential will want to cancel your money from the system or bankrupt you or eliminate you if you did not follow a specific order of these systems or if you violated their legislation for any orientation, whether political, religious, ethnic .. etc. of the differences of this world.
CBDC Project is the most absurd thing humanity has ever accepted, and it is the greatest injustice to societies and their freedom.
To Summarize, We are not ready for a fully decentralized world at all meanings and I doubt Humanity will be ready for it ever,
In the meantime, We shall not accept the control of CBDC or Big Tech to our earth resources under any circumstances.
So what is the new world system shall look like? As we can't decentralize it fully or centralize it fully? Or simply, we can't end the healthy competition that capitalism avail to humanity and end with good results till the 70's of the past century so far.
The Blockchain Macroeconomics Theory
Before Dive into this theory , I'd like to be clear that this is the first version of the theory and it is not necessarily to be considered exactly in the same shape, there might be some changes and modifications on it. as more researches are going on for a final output.
"The BMT is about dividing world economy into Three main layers:
1- The Macroeconomic Basic Needs Layer
2- The Macroeconomic Traditional Layer
3- The Microeconomic Layer"
1- Basic Needs Layer
As per the UN call , there are Five Basic Needs for any human to live in dignity and justice on this earth:
1- Nutritious Food / 2- Clean Water / 3- Safe Place (Shelter) / 4- Electricity / 5- Internet Access (Free Speech Rights)
According to the theory : " Above Basic needs for human must be set free for all humanity and totally out of any financial system related to (Money).
Basic Needs Layer to be governed by DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) in a fully blockchain decentralized ledgers between governments, made on proof of stake consensus, And the Stake is defined by each government Contribution to build this ecosystem"
For any element to be considered as a basic need, shall meet below two aspects:
1- Reliability as a source of sustainability in production , consumption and continues supply in earth resources to all humanity.
2- Considered as a basic need for humans to survive and live as per Human Rights Counsel.
Note: A Dynamic movement between this layer and other coming layers must be set as a rigid smart contract defining which Elements in layers are going up or down for a certain period of time.
2- Traditional Macroeconomic Layer
Any Other Human Need, Luxury, tradable element will be under same supply and demand rules in the traditional economy between countries/companies/individuals but through using a One united global currency for all world countries.
The currency to be chosen as a digital decentralized token in blockchain ledgers also, and to be dynamically distributed in a smart contract as per IMF DeFi rules, Country GDP and other monetary classifications authorities (This Currency Might be Bitcoin, Another global currency, or some new initiative towards a financial inclusion) *This point still under research and to be provided by other specialty firms.
Note: Any Element meets the Basic Needs Layer Conditions will be moved automatically to the basic needs layer as per period of time calculation of sustainability, (Such decisions will go under PoS , byzantine fault tolerance BFT)
3-The Microeconomic Layer
This layer describes each government sovereignty over it's territory, where the people can trade things normally using their own currency issued by Central Banks BASED on their limitation of issuance related to "The One Global United Currency Rules" also in a blockchain ledgers showing a transparency and traceability of specific country currency, money movement , speed ...etc. . (Another Reliable , transparent form of a CBDC , without a centralized control)
Note1: A Dynamic movement between both the second and third layers through the People who can own both Country and United Global Currencies on their E-wallets, The Dynamic of conversion between both currencies is stable as per DeFi rules and can't be manipulated.
Note 2: Any ownership of a physical or digital asset in the country must be referred on a separate Blockchain Network owned by government utilized and identified through NFT's and Tokenization economics.
Final Words
1- We covered a very short descriptions and quotes of this major research towards justice , New decentralized world order and financial inclusion in our very rich earth and available resources.
2- Each element I mentioned in the basic needs layer first draft MEET both conditions for setting them free for all humanity, with a minimal costs by governments.
3- Obviously, Such a movement and change can never be done by a person, group , cult or even one big world government, It needs a collaboration between G20 Leaders and addressing a Global initiative towards it.
4- Everything is related and connected, The current war between Russia & Ukraine and it's strategic goals of dominance , That war and future wars can be stopped once a Real justice demonstrated between countries. Mainly in Economics.
5- The world is more than ready with all the available cabapilites and technologies to demonstrate a New way of EXCHANGE, A New way of collaboration , A New way for Humanity. And Justice. It requires a willing and giving prespictives only.
"Let Us Light the Earth Before Leaving To MARS"
3- The Bitcoin Standard - Dr. Saifaldeen Ammous
Author : Sary Qasim
Full Stack Developer | Team Leader Policy and Governance Working Group DCGI ITU| Tokeneer | CBDC| Contributor digital assets Forbes| Industry Associate UCL|President LIBE| President West 123 St Block Association
1 年A guy whose first book was The Theory Of Moral Sentiments, Adam Smith is not as Laissez Faire as one might think. This is so even if the current Argentenian front runner Milei were to name one of his mastiffs, Smith.
Events Director with GBA. Illustrator
1 年Hi Sary Qasim , I think you started to outline this theory at the May event, The Future of Money, Governance, and the Law in Washington DC. But these beginning theories need great minds sitting around a table, or discussing over ZOOM, for many, many sessions. You have addressed several timely points, and much is left unanswered. Have you considered sharing this at the IGF conference in Kyoto in October? GBA has an entire week of stage time. You might find some of the beginning participants in your round table discussions. With many advisors, your plans will be accomplished
CEO - Founder of ProjectBits Consulting | We Fix Broken Processes | Empowering Businesses Through Process Optimization, Innovation, and Tangible Results
2 年Thought provoking Sary Qasim I appreciate the share. I have seen the context as Religion drives Culture which drive Politics which is touched on in your thoughts. I beleive the political systems and behaviors of society stem from the age old battle between good and evil, life and death, love and hate. The world that you decribe is a bit Star Trek like and interesting that you frame it as one last thing before we go "out there"