Blockchain For Industries Needing Secure Transactions and Records
Blockchain technology is totally hard to wrap your mind around but it is changing the industry. It was and is continually evolving into new businesses. Why? Well its the most secure form of keeping records on earth. That is because it is done publicly. Blockchain is decentralized record keeping, this means that it is done world wide. People like you and I that are mining our own crypto currency or maybe your part of a mining pool your still involved making this technology decentralized.
This works is the simplest way I can explain it. Each computer that is involved in mining digital currency is part of the movement to create a currency that is not controlled by a bank, Government, Or any one entity. It is truly controlled by the supply and demand of digital currency. It is limited meaning there will be only so many of each coin made so that creates the value. Unlike the dollar where when they want more they just print it. That drives the value down
Cryptocurrency is like gold in that its limited in the amount that is available and how much there is. That creates a value that is driven by supply and demand. Every time someone starts mining they are like the miners of the gold rush, only rather than shovels and pick axes you now have a computer. You may ask what your doing when you mine?
Want to start Mining from your home computer for free check this out
You are keeping public records of each and every transaction that is completed by one person to another. That transaction is completed then checked and rechecked by computers that are mining around the world. We are our own bankers. This is like a bank that is owned and operated by the people for the people. This eliminates so much room for corruption because its one transaction that is publicly checked by computers around the world. Each transaction needs a key from each person. That transaction is computed and checked over and over on a public record and that is what make it so safe and decentralized.
This technology is touching many industries from commerce to travel making world money transferring so much safer and easier. Just check out all the great things I have on my blog and much more to come. Even Technology you can not even imagine. So Stay informed and check out this amazing travel company that is changing the world of travel and will be the next biggest travel site, Offering you security that no one else can. Whether your in the hotel business or the restaurant and entertainment industry this company will change the way you do business and give you listing around the world. Hotels Motels, B&B, Just imagine being able to take the future currency at the beginning of the hottest change to disrupt the financial stream sense the credit card. So lets stay ahead of the trends and merchant processing and start reaching the customers that you might not!!!!