Blockchain Future ahead... Layman's Term
Chintan Dave
General Manager - AI CERTs| Director of Certification | Director- Blockchain | Certified Blockchain Trainer and Solutions Architect | Author | Speaker | Trainer | AI & Blockchain Advisor
A blockchain is a powerful group of technologies that make something like bitcoin possible but we can make blockchains without having to use bitcoin and because of that this technology is kind of way beyond just bitcoin or even other coins.
Blockchain is called or can be understood as a distributed ledger as a distributed accounting where instead of having all the accounting, all the books, all the logs in one place, it is distributed and it's distributed by the people who are using and benefiting from it.
Decentralization gives blockchain its power because rather than having a central place that you may need to trust or could be mistrusted or abused you have decentralized places, a decentralized system.
The advantages of decentralization are:
Easy to repair
Hard to injure because if you take down a center or a set of books, or even take a server off you still have the rest of the server going and everything is being decentralized, so there's no loss.
More robust, powerful, and adaptable.
The disadvantages are:
Centralization tends to make things more efficient.
Blockchain is used not just for bitcoin but for many other coins as a basis to make a currency of exchange that does not have a central location i.e., it can be done at a low level, in kind of a crowdsourced way so that having a currency like that is useful.
It is useful in several ways: ?
Even if you were a huge patriot, you still might want to have a currency that is not in the central banking system because it would withstand and be outside of the kind of natural fluctuations and political wins that not only affect national currencies but coins themselves because they're not based on any fiat currency, wealth, gold, paper or government themselves are often very volatile. This is one of the arguments against bitcoin as a currency.
There are many other things that blockchain is being used for this technology.
Looking at the world with its huge size, doing many kinds of things that need to be verified, approved, or trusted, a blockchain-like system to help in that makes a lot of sense. It is very efficient though it costs us energy and other factors to approve higher than a centralized one, that cost may be worth paying because it's really hard to imagine a centralized system being able to do that.
Now, how you can do a blockchain without even mining a coin?
So, most blockchains in the very beginning needed a bitcoin, and in order for them both to work, you had to have miners doing computation so that the blockchain works.
There are alternative methods to ensure the veracity of a blockchain without doing huge computational cycles. All these things are being experimented with alternative blockchain systems, there were even attempts to bridge different blockchain systems together.
?For example: if you have a network of blockchains then there is more work on making smart contracts. Hence, there are ways of trying to overcome the deficiencies of slow decentralization.??
There are lightning networks that do some of the computation on another network that's in parallel.
Now, let’s see how blockchain works in real life??One can see how it scales up or it doesn't scale up ?But in the next 10 years there are lots of pilot programs where they're fixing things to use blockchain effectively.
A blockchain will be very much like encryption in the sense that when it works it will not be visible it'll just be working there, and it is not a consumer-facing technology.?Hence, in the next 10 years, there will be more applications of blockchain but you're not going to see it unless you're really looking for it as to the future of bitcoin. The truth is no one knows whether bitcoin will continue to rise or fall, but blockchain seems to be a technology that will be useful in a way that encryption has been useful.
Its infrastructural necessity is useful in particular cases where we want to pay the price of decentralizing a system. sometimes you're not going to want to pay the price but there will be many applications that will need something that's decentralized and we're willing to pay that price in order to have that kind of distributed trust. So that's what is ahead for blockchain.