Crypto avoids hidden Covid tax.
Arnoud Willem Berghuis MSc
Co-Founder / board at Dutch Blockchain Association.
Inflation is hidden Covid tax.
Nobel Prize winner?Milton Friedman?had once said,“Inflation?is the only form of?taxation?that can be levied without any legislation”. Inflation is a tax.
People try to avoid tax.
Tokens are the tool. Therfore new money/tokens always drive out bad inflated/taxed tokens. Everyone can trade crypto (& even NFT's) on the Binance token exchange easily now. The value of all tokens&coins is already several trillions(that's 10^12/ yes it's systemic).
To understand tokens I define NFT's (non-fungible-tokens). It's the simple form easy understandable token. As non-interchangeable unit of data stored on a digital ledger. NFT's are simple It's just a 2 column table. one column fo the ID and the other for the(linkto) an item(say avatar/pic/you can make a tweet unique now). To change the ID(sell) you pay. This simple process is called a smart contract. Benefits are thoose of the blockchain: Safe, secure traceable?&very transparent.
Blockchain cannot inflate like the Euro!
?Blockchain have a strict limited amount of coins and cannot issue more coins. The Euro has the problem problem of Quantitative Easing (QE), ECB printed 60 billion Euros per month last years.
It's logic that tokens seem to offer more trust than fiat money. The inflation decade just arrived. Ontop governments lost trust by bad handling of issues like covid&energy/climate. Couldn't the arrogant governments wait one covid year with creating the energy crises? Putting geopolitics on sharp by making life for the oil depending nations&people nearly impossible. Tilting socio-economics.
We passed 2 decades of inaction. Nobel prize winner Milton Friedman was?predicting the revolution with Cryptocurrency in 1999. Central banks are still (re)searching and refusing change. This new technology is fully underestimated and misunderstood by the EU. EU not offer a regulated private blockchain, where government own nodes(Like China/USA/others). The pilot(!?) tech proposed by the EU does not even offer the basic smart contract funcionality needed for handling tokes & smart laws. Ignoring tech is bad.
If the good guys ignore & stop innovations, the bad guys will start using it against you.?
Tech is agnostic, it is not either good nor bad. Technology should not be feared upfront. Blocking change is as silly as burning books.
"Ignorance, the root of all evil" Quote Plato.
The only thing government should fear is ignorance. Ignorance is the root of all evil(Arristotle). Only ignorance can turn algorithms turn into weapons of Math destruction.
At the end people decide what to trust,value & trade. Blockchain tokens give people new freedoms & decentral powers. The word demokratia means “power of the people.”
Copyright Arnoud Berghuis. November 2021. tokenID:A934ADR548GYND78FGFWETY456574098752MQW2
About me.
A lifelong IT career based on science education. 5 years ago I launced the fist blockchain based digital voting system that actually participated in western elections(NL). Now I offer tools, methods and blueprints that help accepting tech change.
Here I wrote a 2 line, one minute, explanation of what the blockchain is: “The Milkman as an analogy for the Blockchain”. Here you find more related articles also. My article "Systemic Racism solved"?is popular too.
Please help to avoid next disater by sharing this solution. Especially leaders!?We need to change the way we organize ourselves after Covid.
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