Blissfully Mistranslated Slogans, Posts and Signs From Around the World
Laurel Delaney
Founder and President, Women Entrepreneurs Grow Global? | Global Business Expert | President, | Best Selling Author | How She Went Global? podcast host | WPO Chicago Chapter Chair
It’s the holiday season – a perfect time to bring good cheer. What follows are blissfully mistranslated slogans, posts and signs from around the world. You won’t want to miss! What we can learn from this article is the importance of getting translation letter perfect. In the interim, we can have a good laugh at how good intentions can run afoul if we are not careful.
In “40 Most Bloodcurdling Chinese Mistranslations Ever! Warning: You Will Laugh to Death!” (, the author highlights that even though English and Chinese are languages that can be regarded as world languages, translations between the two seem to be much more difficult than expected, as noted in this article.
In “Engrish,” ( you’ll catch a bunch of ridiculously mistranslated signs and their English equivalent.
In “6 Famous Mistranslations and What We Can Learn from Them,” (, the Rosetta Stone team takes a look at a few mistranslations that have had far-reaching consequences. See what lessons these famous blunders have to offer language learners trying not to get lost in translation.
In “When Signs Go Bad – Mistranslated Posters From Around the World,” (, Fecility Morse shows us how posters from around the world take mistakes to a whole new level! As she says, “These misunderstood, mad and dangerous to read signs include rude shop names, advice against washing yourself and some unintentional toilet humour.”
In “45 Most WTF Foreign Signs,” (, we could read these funny signs all day. Some are so funny you would think they were done on purpose.
In “Funny Mistranslations from Around the World, (, the authors feature mistranslations they found on websites. They emphasize the importance of professional translation services to avoid such ... read more.
?2019 Laurel J. Delaney. All rights reserved.