Blissfully Dissatisfied - Finding Meaning through the Turmoil & Building for Tomorrow
Streetwise Franchising
Helping people find, launch, and build their dream franchise business, based on the ideal life they wish to lead.
Today started out as a tough one for me.
I woke up sore from my workout last week. Thanks BODY20
My kids started the day screaming at one another.
My general manager for my new franchise business ( Groovy Hues of McKinney ) is out on vacation for the week, therefore, by 7am, calls from my paint foreman were already lining my voicemail inbox.
As I showed up to the office I found out one of my vehicles from one of my OTHER franchise business ( Mosquito Joe ) needed a new tire because a pest control technician ran over a nail before going home for the weekend last Friday.
My mind immediately hit me with all the negative thoughts - I am nowhere close to where I want to be... Is this what I signed up for? ... Am I built to make it through this?
I started these businesses as a way to create wealth for myself and for my family. However, I often find myself under the heavy load of it all.
It's in these moments that I am reminded of what the alternative would be. What if I had never started down this crazy path in the first place?
It would be easy to get wrapped up in the negatives of being a business owner.
If I am not careful, that's exactly what will happen.
The TRUE crazy thing is, if I take a breath and step back there is so much beauty in the daily struggles of building a business.
No, every day is NOT perfect. But, we are constantly building off of the progress of the day before.
I have the opportunity to build an amazing team that looks to me for guidance and direction.
The paint foreman, simply needed direction in order to complete one of our highest paying projects. This one project would have blown us away a year ago if only we'd known then the types of jobs we would have the opportunity to complete now.
Progress is a beautiful thing.
The flat tire was fixed and replaced by one of my rising star technicians so fast that I only new it was an issue after it was already solved.
My team is operating at an efficiency rate that didn't exist in the beginning when it was just me.
No, I am not where I want to be... BUT I am loving the journey to get there.
What's holding you back from taking steps toward your dream? The road less travelled is often much more rough and rugged, but it also leads to a destination that is extremely more rewarding than the alternative.
If you are interested in learning how franchise ownership can help you take steps towards your dream life, reach out and schedule a call.
I am a franchise consultant, which means I help people find, launch, and build their ideal franchise business.
My service is completely free.
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Check out the Streetwise Podcast for additional free content on all things personal development, franchise ownership, and entrepreneurship:
Check out Ed Mylett beautifully break down the concept of Blissful Dissatisfaction on his podcast: