Blinkered Daily
Suraya K A Rahman- Clarity Coach
Helping people to find HAPPY for a balance life | Health Advocator | Promote Shoppreneurship | Professional Network Builder | #katasue
Why do people start a business? Money, passion, quick buck, accidental coincidence, lack of options... Various reason.
Statistic of business survival globally showed that 50% of startups will fail in the first 2 years. The survival rate of businesses continue on a declining trend from the year of establishment. In this article, I am not going to talk about how to survive for startups.
Businesses that have successfully survived the valley of death will continue to grow and flourish provided that strong business acumen is practiced by the business owner. For as long as business transaction is conducted, it is assumed that business is good. No complaints from the customer and money keeps pouring in business is good. Business operations look good. People are busy and outwardly seemed to be productive.
If it ain't broken, why fix it.
Until one day, the business owner realises that business is good but it is not growing. Plateau in annual business growth. How did this happen?
Complacency happened along the way. The adrenaline rush of meeting deadline, satisfying customers and lack of capital is days of the past. Business owners decided to take a break and business can run as usual.
But what if someone in the company feels that there is room for improvement, room for growth and opportunity to explore. How would the business owner treat him or her? Would business owner take on the challenge to change?
Scheduled business review can provide the status of business operations. Sometime it is also worthwhile to bring an outsider to observe what is happening in the business. Input from simple observation can probably give ideas for small changes that can result in big improvement to the business.
Think about it... It makes sense you know.
Note from Suraya
I love nothing more that see other people grow their potential. If there is anything I can do to support you in anyway (for as little as lending my ears), just give me a holler...