The Blink Of An Eye

The Blink Of An Eye

28835 days-this is what we call LIFE! For some individuals, life is just a four letter word, for others it’s what you make of it. With this thought in mind, wishing a warm welcome to all the readers of this thought and all the “wandering souls” looking for the meaning of LIFE!

According to Google dictionary, life is “the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.” But, is this what we’re looking for? The answer is NO. Life is much more than just a complex definition. They say, life is from B to D, that is, from Birth to Death, but what’s between B and D? It’s “C” and C is CHOICE. Our life is a matter of choices! Our life is what we want it to be! And most importantly, Our life is what we make of it!

Let’s look at life in terms of numbers. A fascinating international study yielded that an average human lives for 28835 days. It might seem a lot but let’s break it down. We’re asleep for an average of 8477 days, if we’re lucky, most of that time we would be sleeping next to someone we love. Next up, we spend 1635 days filling our stomach’s, lucky enough if we’re able to eat to our heart’s desires. We spend 3202 days working and “pulling our socks”. We also spend 1099+ days commuting, 2676 days watching television and/or social media, 1576 days doing household chores and 564 days caring for our loved ones, not to mention that we humans spend 671 days in bathroom activities and personal hygiene. What remains you say? 2740 days! That’s all! We only have one-tenth of our entire life to be who we truly want to be, to not bother about “what will people say” and to live to our heart’s content.

What are you going to do with 2740 days? Are you going to take up the challenge and embrace the gift of life or are you going to take it for granted and live with regrets? How old are you? How much of 2740 do you think you have used up? How much do you think is remaining? If you had half of it or maybe even half of that, what would your next step be? What would YOU do differently? In your opinion, how much time have you already spent worrying instead of pursuing your dreams? What if you had just 1 more day? What are you going to do today?

Close your eyes and recall your childhood. Recall those wonder waiting eyes, recall the dreams and aspirations you had and recall YOURSELF! Aspire to be the person you wanted to be when you were a “tiny little brat”. As we have seen by now, life is way too short to be anything but yourself. Thus, take up the challenge, widen the horizons and run the extra mile.

Close your eyes again and try to picture the day you will be on your deathbed, the day you’ll only have a few hours left for this journey to end. Then, would you be proud of yourself for being who you wanted to be or would you dread the life you lived? At that point, would being worried about getting a promotion or living in a huge mansion make a difference? A small “home” is better than a “huge house”, a “small group of true friends” is better than “an army of strangers” and above all, a “satisfied life” is better than a “successful life”!

Life is a gift, TREASURE it. Life is an adventure, CHALLENGE it. Life is a mystery, LEARN from it. Life is a puzzle, SOLVE it but most importantly, life is beautiful, EMBRACE IT! Be who YOU are, not who the world wants you TO BE!

Life is nothing but an hour-glass on the run, blink an eye and you’re one, a second blink and college has begun, a third and you’re having a son and fourth, fifth and sixth until you’re done but the choice is yours, whether you wish to have won or be outrun!


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