The blinding effect of knowledge meant for elucidation!

In my daily scripture reading I came across an address from St. Paul to a synagogue in Antioch. He addressed the inhabitants of Jerusalem recalling the rejection, trial and subsequent crucifixion of Jesus Christ followed by his resurrection. He went on to state that Jesus presented himself to several persons that eventually became witnesses of him and the promise of eternal life. However what jumped out at me is that the government officials, clergy and powers that be of the time,  failed to recognize the prophecy unfolding before their eyes, which they heard and/or preached in their synagogues Sabbath after Sabbath. 

I would readily admit that this note is biased in Christian principles but the point being made is that of the influence of knowledge which has its pros and cons dependent on your perspective.

The knowledge was accessible and available for those who were interested enough to learn but still could not recognize it for what it was. It seems that while knowledge can open your eyes it can obviously also blind you.

Some would say that ironical it was those that had the knowledge in that situation were the ones that were blinded and in essence the mass that did not have the ready access or very familiar with or ignorant of the teachings were the segment of the then society that became Believers of this Jesus, this man, this prophet.

Today as we live in this information age where we have easy access to information literally at our fingertips and in the midst of this pandemic, we are constantly being bombarded with information pertaining to Covid-19. We are inundated by mainstream media that all sing the same message. This message of fear that's being supported by respected experts in their field; at The WHO; the respective governments; and the health authorities,  and yet in the same breath we also see persons within the same fraternity; health experts; virologists; emergency room doctors; microbiologists; infectious disease specialists; who are reporting and providing advice, contrary at times to what's being promoted in mainstream media.

The mainstream media with its huge resources and  backed by big Pharma, based on their historical relationship, have been sparing no efforts in silencing the ‘other point of view’, the independent voices that's bringing to the light, medical perspectives and opinions on "the prevailing message" that don't seem in line with their training.

We live in a time when there's such easy access to so much information we become reliant on everything that the experts say and treat it as gospel and forego common sense. We no longer allow ourselves to critically analyze and sift through information that is presented to us. At what point on a bandwagon does one allow critical independent thinking to kick in?

I write neither in support of conspiracy theorists, those label as such or persons promoting a global panacea of a Covid-19 vaccine but rather for the utilization of critical thought over being blind constituents of Hamelin.

Nick Esquivel

Helping Businesses Recruit & Hire the Best Global Talent – "If It Can Be Done Remotely, It Can Be Done Globally"

2 周

Thanks for sharing Damian! Just followed ??



