Blind-spot Bias
Failing to recognize your blind spot is similar to the driving blind spot, think of when someone makes a suggestion about something you’ve designed/crafted carefully – your first reaction is like, “disappear!”, that individuals in general disregard as opposed to understanding their viewpoint, usually we should have a quick shoulder check for our “business as usual” that confirms the right path similar to a quick shoulder check while changing the lanes in driving.
Blind-spot bias
The bias blind spot is the cognitive bias of recognizing the impact of biases on the judgment of others while failing to see the impact of biases on one's own judgment
Many road accidents occur due to drivers failing to check the blind spot. It’s for this reason that driving instructors teach learner drivers where the blind spot is and when and how to check it - similarly, we should also have a quick shoulder check to validate our design decision/decision to affirm that they are on the correct way towards the objective and maintain a strategic distance from the off-course.