The Blind
A blind man cannot repent for their qualms with those with sight for who they bump into on the street. As easy as it would be for the sightseers to cast stones at glass homes of the neighborhoods, they are tourists in, it is not their culture to curate for they know not their custom or ritual. The same goes for condemnation toward the blind who walk aimlessly in the streets. They can see with their dogs and they can see with their cane or even so their elevated hearing and sense, but does the seeing man truly believe he is in the right of way contrast to his pedestrian nemesis bumping shoulders in a hurry through the streets? I dare say he is not. For those with a wider aperture in life have greater responsibility to take ownership of their quest of understanding; the meaningful pursuit to their identity and humanity of self. Those who can see have the heaviest load on their back for it is they who are the leaders of the pack. It is they who must gather the troops. It is they who must doctor the sick and harvest the grains. The road ahead is always long and dark especially when you can see what no one else can. For that reason and many more, no sense sustains the wide-eyed leader who cast criticisms and holds down for the weary blind blocking their path. That dagger only pierces their own armor and they need all the plated vests into helm possible to bare to fight back their own dragons. The fore fight is real, and the dragons are real as they inhabit the soul and take flight in the mind. They are rational, honest and quick-witted demons. Our rationalization loves justice and collaborates with our heart to betray our sympathy. All of this to save face? We think not! After all, we are only human, and the only difference is they are blind, and we can see. For that, we are given the birthright of teachers and so we must choose good. Choose good or be righteous in your selfish endeavor – that is the difference between the blind who can see those with sight who cannot see who they are as that lie only lies within their actions. How much sense do you have? The answer comes with a cost – your life.