Blind Faith: When You Don't Have A Clue
America is a great country. It's the people that live in it that stretch our patience and test our resolve. I'm a church boy that thinks with a Kingdom mindset. I just don't believe that God moves in the church-house ONLY. I believe God is intricately involved in all that we do. Every industry. All spheres of the world. Everywhere. Every piece of culture. Even politics. If you don't believe me read the bible. Every world leader that's ever existed had to deal with God. Every single one of them.
I'm writing today because right now in our nation, leaders are stumped. They haven't done their homework. I mean everywhere. They all wanna go BACK somewhere. To a place in time that was good in their estimation. None of us are going BACK anywhere. Real talk. Sorry. In church they're talking about remember WHEN... In politics they're talking about remember WHEN.... In hip-hop they're talking about remember WHEN. Well, here's a secret. Jim Crow, Segregation, Ronald Reagan, Tupac, Elvis and everybody else you looked up to back in the day are DEAD and GONE. They aren't coming back. This means we have no worldly model to look up to or back at. God has made it that way by design. What they did in their era is done. It's different now. Technology has made us different. We're truly an advanced world and only an ancient God has the futuristic models we need. A fresh mindset is needed for where we're headed.
Now more than ever we have to look for leaders that awaken us to truth and all that is good. Stop playing. No parakeets are allowed. What's fresh? No more old religion or politics. No more old remixes with Biggie. Do something original. Get fresh. Listen inwardly. Evolve into a fresh model. Offer fresh communication. Fresh ideas. Fresh execution. Fresh manna. Going back is playing right into the hands of apathy and stagnation.
Frank Henderson is the lead pastor of XCEL Fellowship Church located in Raleigh, NC. You can email him or have him as a guest by reaching out to him at [email protected] #March4th