Blessings for the spirituality of life
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
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When I think of people I know past or present I send “benevolent blessings” to them. We infuse positive energy when we bless something. An example is saying grace before a meal. We bless the food and give thanks for it which comes from the Creator. That gives the food we ingest a blessed quality. When the self is rightly positioned, which is to say when we awaken to our true nature, everything is seen as a blessing, because at that point, all we do is win and learn.
When we have realized the truth of our inherent unity as children of God, we then become a blessing, abiding in the Love and the Light of the creator. The most important thing is the spiritual sustenance. We can experience the Kundalini awakening, all right. We can experience the thoughtless meditation state, all right.
But how far we can sustain? How far we can go? That's the important thing. So, if you feel your Kundalini at the Heart chakra, at least through the regular meditation and clearing of the chakras, one should sustain at the heart chakra to proceed upwards at the Sahasrara or the crown chakra. If the sustenance doesn't occur then there's chances of falling to the Muladhara.
So if your Kundalini is awakened and you're experiencing at any of the Chakras you must in fact make all your efforts to experience the same and then you can ascend. For people that are finding the technique exactly how you can tap into the universe, to produce unlimited wealth, abundance and health in your life, you can check this secrets tutorial. That strategy taps into the hidden laws of the universe, and works every time.
It doesn't matter how old you are or who you are. It does not take lot of dedicated practice or instruction. It's a thing that you can do almost instantly. I have actually got wonderful results by following it. It has been 2 weeks since and I have already manifested multiple things! It’s so exciting to see that it works. This helps me achieve my goals, keeps me motivated and grounded. Before knowing the practices, let me explain what “Spirituality” meant for me.
As we understand from our school books or story listened since childhood, that there is some “Spirit” ‘resides’ inside our body, it is found near our heart, it is like a sparking glow light and it moves out of our body when we die. We have also taught that it moves out of our body through pours like eyes and mouth which is more common, we have seen a recently dead person’s eye or mouth is open confirming our belief that spirit left through that opening. So what kind of practices such a “Spirit” can do? I got confused in my teen age.
Then someone told me that you must do chanting of certain mantra to uplift your Spirit. And repetition of chanting shall be such that mantra should sync with your breath, to a point that you are chanting the mantra automatically or unconsciously; so that when you will die, you will utter the mantra at that last breath and get mukti or at least realisation. I learnt many more processes to control the minds, to study scriptures and to help others to do such practices so that they can get benefit from it. To my surprise, many of whom I have introduced get really benefitted, but I could not grasp a bit of it in spite practicing for quite many years. Rather it made me more hallucinatory. I was beginning to think that everything will be taken care by that force even if I will not do what I should do to get something!
When I became sick for quite few days, I realized that I need to do some yoga to get out of the sickness I have acquired and to keep me healthy. There I learnt that its is the body which should do the “Spiritual Practices” not the “Spirit”. So from that day, I am doing many types of yogic practices on a daily basis. I also learnt that I will do more harm to my body if I do yoga by watching a video or reading a book. I learned yogic tools from qualified trainers. Later on I learned “Pranayam”. I am now able to channelize Prana inside my body. I am doing 1.5–2 hours of yogic practices daily.
When my body started feeling great, I always remained happy. This inner happiness made my interaction with people more pleasant and I became more social. It has made me more inclusive. I have experienced that this inclusiveness with surroundings is the ultimate Yoga. I feel I am doing the true “Spiritual Practices” now.
The impermanence of everything. It is being driven by ego, or the false sense of self, that promotes the disconnection to this truth and so propagates every form of so called “evil”. Nothing conditioned is permanent. Everything is subject to change. This may sound scary, but it is a beautiful thing. “Thanks to impermanence, everything is possible” Evil regimes fall. A seed can turn into a plant. We can grow and expand our understanding. It is fighting against impermanence that causes a lot of suffering. Every day life is teaching us: to accept what is, cherish what is and love what is. Cheers!