Blessings and Hard Lessons = Blessons
Valerie Moss-Deegan
Agriculture | Dairy | Mentorship | Engagement | Quality Assurance | Food Safety Culture | Personal Safety | Process Validation | Lead with People
Some may say, “No good deed goes unpunished.” While that can feel true sometimes, it can also be a way out of taking personal responsibility for things we had some control over.
Our neighborhood friends got stranded during the December blizzard and called on me to check in on their dog, which I was happy to do. Besides just helping a neighbor, their dog is a geriatric sweetheart that I adore.?
My husband had plowed our driveway, and another neighbor had plowed our stranded friends’ driveway. Was the distance walkable? Yes. But it was so bitterly cold with wind gusts up to 70 MPH that I decided I preferred the comfort of a vehicle to trek the short distance between Point A and Point B. Mind you, I was still bundled up in full winter attire to be able to comfortably walk to and from the vehicle.
A tree had fallen in our driveway, so my husband and I moved it good enough to be able to get past it.
Trip 1 was uneventful. My husband helped guide me as I backed out. All good.
Trip 2. I was nervous about the downed tree and over compensated, producing a dent and scratch down the driver’s side doors as I backed out without the assistance of a guide. I had just financed this vehicle a year ago.
Ugh, shrug and face palm. Inconvenient, yes. Worst thing that could happen? Absolutely not.
The storm passed and I filed a claim. I’ve never had to file an insurance claim before. When Claim Agent told me, “I’m sorry, you don’t have that coverage,” I was baffled, but having no previous experience with claims, I didn’t immediately pursue it. I was kind of scratching my head, thinking that I recalled from financing other vehicles in the past that collision coverage is required when there is a lien. To deter myself from getting overly worked up and angry, I let it go for a couple of weeks. I didn’t want to be “that person” that gets on the phone and starts yelling at someone, because unfortunately, I can be “that person” and I don’t like her.
I took a deep breath and called Insurance. I explained the denied claim situation and that I am currently financing the vehicle. Insurance said, “Let me pull this up. Oh, I see that you do not have collision. You are supposed to have it on a financed vehicle. The Lien Holder is supposed to make sure that is included. Unfortunately, there’s nothing I can do for the incident that happened, but I will get collision added immediately.” I thanked her and hung up.
Another deep breath and I call Lien Holder. [Insert several transferred calls to get to the right department.] “Let me tell you something, Honey, [vein in my neck bulging, heart pounding] we do require collision, but it is up to your insurance provider to ensure that it’s added.” I thanked her and hung up. ?
I decided to place a call to Insurance Company Headquarters. A very lovely woman let me run down through the whole story and is in touch with Local Insurance Provider to try and help me in some capacity. Time will tell.
Blessing: It’s a $2500 repair. Thank God I didn’t total my car and have to fight THAT battle.
Lesson: Read those tedious details. Yes, perhaps between Lien Holder and Insurance Agent they should have caught it, but I will take my part in it, too.
Count your blessings. Learn your lessons.?