The wisdom of the fathers
The testimony of a great number confirm the teaching of the Bible that this most beautiful and satisfying grace of God can be lost. Mr. Wesley even mentions the percentage of those who in different ways part with the blessing; a percentage, however, considerably less than the one he gives for those who lose justification. This is noteworthy, as it shows that [entire] sanctification is not only to be desired on account of its superior joys, but for the increased safety it brings. Still it can be lost.
We are to remember that Satan does not die because we get [entirely] sanctified. Nor does he give a man up because he has a pure heart. If he assailed the innocent Adam in Eden, and the spotless Son of God on earth, he certainly will not pass by a [entirely] sanctified soul without many and varied and violent assaults.
He would particularly enjoy getting such a Son of Thunder once more in his power, locking again his formerly liberated lips, paralyzing his energies and drying up his glad and bouyant life. There are many such shorn Samsons to-day in the land. Men who once towered in this grace and burned with holy fire. But they have been crippled in various ways, are sunk in gloom and silence, a void the meetings where holiness is sung, prayed, preached and shouted; while some have even gone over to the other side against us. ,
When men affect to wonder how a sanctified man can fall into sin, they not only overlook the facts we have mentioned concerning the free moral agency of man that can not be destroyed by any work of grace, but they fail to observe the route by which sin enters the soul. The knowledge of that alone as to how sin gets admission into the citadel of a man's life would explain the fall in the skies, the fall in Eden, and the fall of every being since that hour. Under this light it is seen that it does not require inbred sin to make a man transgress.
(from "Sanctified Life" by Rev. Carradine)