The wisdom of the fathers
Tell the backslider, says the Lord, "I am married unto him.'' Was there ever a tenderer message? Again He says, '' I will heal their backsliding. I will love them freely; for Mine anger is turned away from him.'' What more could be said? What more could be desired? What better thing could be done?
So every wanderer can come back. And not only is this true, but backsliders from [entire] holiness do get back. If we had no other case than that of John Fletcher, this alone should inspire the heart of every despondent one with new hope. Read in the Life of Hester Ann Rogers his own testimony in regard to it: "I have received this blessing four or five times, but I grieved the Spirit of God by not witnessing to it, and as often I let it go. I lost it by not observing and obeying the order of God who has told us, 'With the heart man believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation,' which latter I neglected.''
This lost blessing he recovered and so he speaks again: ''Now, my brethren, you see my folly. I have confessed in your presence, and now I resolve in your presence also, henceforth I will confess my Master to all the world. And I declare unto you in the presence of God, the Holy Trinity, I am now dead indeed unto sin,'' etc., etc.
If Fletcher could get it back, then every one can who reads their lines. God has no favorites, and is without partiality or respect of persons. You may have sinned, but Christ is a greater Saviour than you are a sinner. You may have fallen low in hope, faith and life, but Christ can get underneath you and lift you up.
(from "Sanctified Life" by Rev. Carradine)