"Blessed are the cracked, for they shall let in the light."--Julius Henry (Groucho)Marx
A Life Story
From birth O child does mystery entice you to encounter the myriad and more avenue before the end completes your living process. How the warm air of your early surroundings allows you to rejoice and siphon, by your every breath, fond memories, yesteryears.
Quiet time may have been flowing firstly; lastly moveth each pace not at such a regular cadence until a full stop is reached.
So much energy vitalizes steps, decisions, advancements, retreats: to death my someone did awareness dismiss you to desist the one last gasp after the beginning had thoroughly evolved into your testimonial.
Into life are we arrived as a forethought to so many wishes as yet to be fulfilled.
Reaching for and pushing towards all moments yet to be commenced, initiates us our arrival upon delivery with a roar--too loud to be squelched and too subdued to be formidable.
What wondrous acts have you our prospective one to create, to work out, to follow up. reverberate throughout an ontogeny continually; continuously striveth both deliberated and spontaneous thought to some destination even as apparent destiny is realized.
Via enumerable mistakes principle formations, trials, personal appraisals: across a full waiting horizon did sensibilities permit you to enact your entitled inauguration through earthly meanderings up to ethereal heights. Down trails quite untold glories proceed you who wills to recognize a private immutable story.
Pride-consumed fop have you prolonged the times so few; each and every one has known to one more captivated audience at least of one.
Why when a Season is ready to accept and pass you through its circuit, crossing stretches uncountable, beyond known figure computation . . .receive your commission and make good use of it.
Sometimes wild yearnings creep up naturally; truly hopeth the hard-earned values to maintain good course devoutly longed for, eagerly supported--be borne out. Infinite prayer invigorates meaningful lessons, pronouncements, accomplishments, if not sweet homeostasis: wherefore did address me my Master above to lead me down the valley up the field to His pasture so that even so I may remain His. To peace of mind is one placed as he sets forth to find his beautiful way promised to be delivered.
Affair of the Mind: A Literary Quarterly, Vol. 2, Issue 3
Rottkamp Publishers, 1998