The blending of commercial and social impact activities
In Australia, it has been the norm to be in either a commercial business or a charity business. They have been seperate. Some commercial businesses give to charity and charities request money from businesses. This has been the paradigm we have been taught. But what is emerging these days is a blended approach some call "Social Enterprise'.
I love how Michael Porter talks about the truth about social impact and business highlighting an approach which is still relatively new in Australia.
The reality is that most social issues need more than a little fundraising, they need massive funds delivered to them consistently. They need teams working on the root cause with a vision to reverse the need for a charity approach. I know it would be a far-out concept to have all leaders command a more conscious way of doing business that may in fact reverse the need for charity but we can at least observe where money flows from and where to.
Is it simply enough for a commercial business to donate money annually to a cause? Is that cause focused on not needing support in the future or focusing on becoming self sustaining? Does the 'take money for the rich and give it the poor' really fix the needs we have globally?
What if there was a more integrated approach, where commercial businesses commanded a higher standard from charities and encouraged them to become self sustaining like the model of a social enterprise?
Would that create a shift?
What if all charities committed to an enterprise approach and up-skilled themselves with models that could fund themselves? What if governments incentivised this shift?
Would that lead us to a new reality?
What if all new start ups considered their social impact as they built their powerful new visions? What if we aimed for a world where we cared about impact on all levels?
What if, What if, What if?
I am passionate about seeing a major shift in the mindset of our business leaders. already Social Enterprises are taking on issues and able to scale them up!
What if there was an integrated approach for your business that allowed you to lead the way for others. Would you be so bold as to take it on?
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