Blend Out
I was running at High Banks this weekend and I saw a group of people standing on a bridge staring at something. Upon closer examination, I realized that something they were staring at was this beautiful, badass, owl. This was the “best” picture I could snap as photography classes are still on my “things to do” list. At any rate, I captured it on camera allowing me to talk about it today. There is an interesting duality that exists with the owl that also applies to other aspects of life. Looking at this picture it’s very evident that either through design, evolution, or a combination of both (discussion beyond the scope of today’s blog) the owl’s coat of feathers matches nicely with the forest surroundings allowing it to blend in perfectly. Blending in can be a very beneficial adaptation strategy as it protects the owl, and other animals, from potential prey. Can’t eat what you can’t see. The other side of the duality coin occurs when you finally do notice or see the owl. At that point, you can’t take your eyes off of it! It’s regal beauty and, for me at least, novelty is captivating. The other observers at High banks would agree. Far from blending in, nope, once seen…it stands out. It becomes appreciated, observed, studied, and modeled. Once nestled seamlessly into nature’s canvas, now becomes a cherished scene to be witnessed by on-lookers. The duality of blending in vs standing out is quite apparent in life. There are no right answers of course because what a person or business or product or performer needs/wants at any given time can vary. There are times when we want to simply blend in and there are times when we want to stand out. Sometimes we have this choice and sometimes we don’t. Either way, it is important to be intentional about how we move in between blending in and standing out AND realize ways of coping if that spotlight changes beyond our control. Throughout our lives we will occasionally be the figure and other times we will be the ground. Both can be great. Blend out.