Three main block of BLE architecture
Each block is made of layers
Layers of BLE architecture
?This technique minimizes the effect of any radio interference potentially present in 2.4GHz spectrum across any single channel
???????- 2Mbps PHY : This provides? 2x speed of earlier BLE version
???????- Coded PHY : This provides a longer range compared to BLE version
?? This is the same modulation used by bluetooth classic and some proprietary wireless protocols
Direct test mode?
Link layer
1.? Advertiser :? A device sending advertising packets
2. Scanner : a device scanning for advertising packets
3. Master : a device that initiates and manages a connection
4. Slave : a device that accepts a connection request
1 . Standby : default state radio does not transmit or receive any data
2. Advertising : devices sends out advertising packets
3. Scanning:? devices scans for devices that are advertising
4. Initiating : scanning device decides to establish a connection with advertising device
5. Connected : device has established a link with another device
1.. Labelled piece of data transmitted by one device and received by one or more other devices
Packet types
Preamble : first 8 bit transmitted
Acesss addresses : 32 bits in size, which is of two types 1 advertising access address and data access address
Header : content of header depends on whether packet is advertising or data packet
Data(payload) : user data to be sent
CRC : checks for errors, calculated over the header length and payload fields
Javacard, Global Platform, EMV, eUICC, NFC
2 年In BLE, each channel is 2MHz wide, not 20MHz