Blazor Technology

Blazor Technology

In this article I'm going to write an article about BLAZOR technology.

Getting started with #BLAZOR can be very difficult and annoying at first. Because we come across a completely new structure that does not resemble any of Microsoft's products. A three-part structure (Client, Server, Shared) whose Error Handler has its own complexities in the Client section, and usually instead of displaying an error like other previous products, the screen stops badly and the yellow Error bar at the bottom of the screen Is given and confusing messages are displayed to the user along with the paths of the js files.

If users are not able to design an Error Handler, these confusing messages can initially confuse users and lead them to think that BLAZOR is not an interesting product for web and online software.

With this in mind, they may move very quickly to older technologies that have stood the test of time.

Of course, users' mistakes are usually here. Microsoft has designed BLAZOR very powerfully, and with a little patience and precision, very useful online software can be designed and implemented as a SPA (Single Page Application).


