a blaze of “online” intolerance
Konstantinos Konstantinidis, M.D., Ph.D.
Director - ExCtu - addressing the Health Tourism Sector "Builder Class" (a.k.a. the "growth makers" and “developers”) by providing the infrastructure supporting economic activity and enabling the system to function
…if we play in the same way that everybody else does, we’ll just get drowned out
To illustrate this article, on dealing with the “backlash”, when introducing innovations which represent the avant-garde, I used part of a screenshot from the video clip promoting the “jaGuar” (bold) rebranding - and its new corporate logo.
This article:
“if you are respected – and not liked – you have done your job”
…don’t worry about looking good – worry about achieving your goal
BTW, in life, the "new" invariably, replaces the "existing" – and likewise, the "avant-garde" replaces the “old guard”.
Those who introduce innovations and represent the avant-garde – and, as a consequence, are criticized – if not ridiculed - should take solace from Marco Tronchetti Provera, one of my contemporaries and Currently, Executive Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Pirelli & C. S.p.A., who pointed out: “if you are respected – and not liked – you have done your job”.
And as Ray Dalio reminded us: don’t worry about looking good – worry about achieving your goal.
The trigger to release this article was provided by the backlash to the Jaguar “bold” rebranding, new corporate logo and promotional video clip (which was viewed several-hundred-millions of times – in a matter of hours) – and which was defended by Jaguar managing director Rawdon Glover, in an interview with the Financial Times, in which he stated that: the intended message had been lost in “a blaze of intolerance” online.
He added: If we play in the same way that everybody else does, we’ll just get drowned out.
See, if you want, the full story (? https://www.ft.com/content/e164df19-54e2-48d8-b07c-50687813bf56? ).
BTW, Jaguar is attempting to find (and add) a new, younger audience – in the case of Contemporary Health Tourism, ht8 is additionally – and pointedly – (also) addressing the “youngerly”.
jaGuar is positioning itself as an “avant-garde” of the automotive industry
…ht8 has positioned itself as the “avant-garde” of the Health Tourism sector
jaGuar is positioning itself as an “avant-garde” of the automotive industry.
ht8 has positioning itself as the “avant-garde” of the Health Tourism sector.
Initially, the avant-garde is:
The “avant-garde” is initially resisted by change-averse incumbents, who fear it will rock their boat, because they value their “comfort zone” more than the “Optimal Performance Zone".
Consequently, in the case of ht8, and as expected, initially, the introduced Innovations (permissionless, combinational and open) will be questioned - and even, disputed.
This is something one needs to accept, because “it goes with the territory”.
BTW, when it comes to “concepts & practices” in Economic Sectors, ht8 represents the avant-garde in Health Tourism.
Avant-garde refers to “concepts and practices” that are ahead of their time, pushing boundaries and challenging the status quo.
More specifically, an avant-garde concept & practice:
The recent example (in the automotive industry), which immediately comes to mind, is the jaGuar promotional video clip (which features no cars), campaign and “plans” – which drew much criticism and even ridicule (from those who I believe, jumped to conclusions and considered things “superficially”).
With regards to this type of “response”, Jeff Bezos is on record for stating that he and Amazon are prepared to be misunderstood for long periods of time.
Being “misunderstood” is the price paid for developing and introducing implementable innovations.
Coming back to jaGuar / JAGUAR, the company’s website, informs us that the “brand” has entered a “new era”, during which, it will:
And, those who are observing developments in Health Tourism, will have noticed that this, in essence, is what ht8 is already doing.
As I point out in another LinkedIn article: in practical terms, Jaguar declared a “moratorium” and went on a “sabbatical” – in order to replace the “existing” with something “new” (i.e., the “next”).
In that article I remind that I had declared a “moratorium” on conference participation and had gone on a “sabbatical” (claiming a “period of grace”, if you like) to focus on transforming and repurposing Health Tourism – the objective being to replace the “existing” with something “new” (i.e., the “next” – now known as Contemporary Health Tourism and ht8).
The point I want to make is that, the “avant-garde” needs to be granted a “period of grace” (breathing space) during which it can proceed to replace the “existing” with something “new” (i.e., the “next”).
jaGuar has granted itself, a two-year period (“of grace”) during which to prove its critics “wrong”.
Many will agree that, those who criticize the originations of others - should have, first, originated something better, themselves.
The “reactionaries” who “habitually” respond with “hatred and intolerance”
…deal with them by using the “pen” – which is mightier than the “sword”
To keep this article relatively short, I list those who “habitually” respond with “hatred and intolerance” (when encountering innovations and the avant-garde) – and suggest how to respond to criticism and “unacceptability” – in the LinkedIn articles listed below:
A “reactionary” is a person who strongly opposes progress, change or new ideas. They often react with hostility and intolerance towards anything that challenges traditional values or the status quo.
In essence, a reactionary is someone who clings to traditional values and resists any form of innovation or advancement.
They view innovation and “avant-garde thinking” as threats to the established order.