Blast from the Past #2
Paul Stafford
Postgraduate Enterprise Development Manager @ Durham University Venture Lab | AFHEA
Here’s another ‘blast from the past’, July 2000! Peter's Cathedral Baker's. At the time I was on a short term contract as Area Manager just as they were introducing these fancy things called laptops! Goodness, only 20 years ago a company getting laptops was newsworthy! About 6 months later I started work as an IT trainer teaching courses like ECDL to adults at my local FE College. At the time there was a big funding push from government to fund IT courses as part of the drive to get the population online and combat the 'digital divide' and we were very entrepreneurial in our approach to utilising the funding. out of this era came the Distance Learning Department (Teaching IT over the phone, no mean feat), Embark on Education (teaching IT on coaches), IT Taster sessions, (offered free to local groups, fetes etc to just have a go on a laptop). A lots changed in those 20 years.