Blasphemy Lane ~ Orison of a Pagan

Blasphemy Lane ~ Orison of a Pagan

- Creating a god inside me was the perfect start for this battle of the sad spurred sands.

"- Here I am, on Blasphemy Lane where everything's dead."

[They killed it]

Fill the void inside me

With Love and Meaning,

Brilliant Sun travelling

Through space and time,

enlightening the blackest Sea;

This darkness in which we dive seems so empty!

           ~ Rotation ~

"We're spinning around on our own selves to face a dead god."

[They closed it in]

He learned we're in need for some warmth then started looking for it in every galaxy.

"- This hell is cold..."

"- Do you remember the time you swallowed the serpents of Medusa? What did they say to you? Could you hear their screams while burning down your throat? Did you spread their ashes throughout the sands of your hourglass?..."

[You took in the stars]

"...- There is your boat!"

"- I don't know! I'm too cold."

Do fill the void inside me

With Your Love and Meaning,

Brilliant Sun travelling

Through our space and time,...

enlightening this Black Sea;

The darkness in which we dive looks ... so empty!

          ~ Rotation ~

"I need to burn like a torch and guide you through this cold night."

They gave us a warm thought and left this cold.

"-Now I can remember:

A kiss in the name of God!"


