Back in the day, the liberal and democrat parties stood for the little guy, for the immigrants, for the downtrodden. They focused on real life issues. They were real people not obsessed with their own agenda. They actually cared about those who elected them.
Those days are over. The liberal party of today does not even remotely resemble what the liberals stood for even 20 years ago. In fact, their agenda has nothing to do with your day-to-day life.
It is mired in bike lanes where they don't belong, hailing fake, attention seeking losers like greta thunberg as heroes, saving turtles and trees while jetting all over the world leaving a massive carbon footprint, and speaking of a tw0-state solution in the middle east when only one country, Israel, actually exists. We could go on but you get the drift.
And hence the reason - and this is a bold statement - that as Jews we should not, must not vote for Justin or anyone running for the liberal party. In any riding.
Blanche, did you or anyone else know that on September 5 of this year a park was dedicated to the late Elie Wiesel?
The City of Montreal’s held an official opening for the park located in the heart of the new Westbury development near Mackenzie and Mountain Sights.
The media was not invited, and neither was the Jewish community which lives in great numbers in the immediate neighbourhood.
The park is surrounded by several Jewish schools and a ten-minute walk to the Jewish Community Campus which hosts the community’s major institutional buildings.
'Someone' in the city of Montreal did not deem it important enough to inform anyone of this dedication so there were a paltry 30 people present to honor a man of the stature of Elie Wiesel. When asked why they didn't publicize the opening, their response was 'security concerns'. Sorry, we're not buying that for a second.
One phone call to the police and the security concerns would have been dealt with.
One thing we can say with certainty. If that park were dedicated to, oh, say Harry Belafonte, there would have been bands, a carnival, hordes of people and security would have been no issue.
So much for the mayor of CDN-NDG Gracia Kasoki Katahwa, a lovely black woman representing all her constituents. Not.
While Justin Trudeau is very busy in New York at the UN Summit, including an appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert to promote his over-inflated ego, the head of the UN, Secretary. General Antonio Guterres has decided that he is now G-d.
Why you ask?
He warned - with pompous authority - that impunity, inequality and uncertainty are creating an "unsustainable world" and that the situation in war-torn Gaza "is a non-stop nightmare" and condemned the growing "level of impunity" worldwide.
He went on to cite deepening geopolitical divisions, wars with no end in sight, climate change and nuclear and emerging weapons. Never mind his ilk has the biggest carbon footprint because they all fly all over the world on their private planes.
He then said, certainly not a happy go lucky guy, that humanity is "edging towards the unimaginable – a powder keg that risks engulfing the world.” Without saying it, he is blaming Israel for all the woes of the world.
Does he not know what happened on October 7?
Does he not know that Israel was baited into this war?
Does he not know that there are well over 100 hostages still held in the hell tunnels of gaza?
Does he not know that hamas planted their weapons and terrorists in civilian homes?
Does he not know that unwra - which is his domain - spent all the monies given to them to build a city of tunnels instead of helping their own people?
He is a fool, the so-called head of a den of lies that nobody should listen to for a quarter of a second.
It has come to our attention via quite a few people who have had correspondence and conversations with Anthony Housefather that he is in full out panic mode that he will not be re-elected.
We have been privy to some of that correspondence and his main theme is always "why are you going to fire me?"
He cannot, for love or money, understand why many in the Jewish community, in his riding of Mount Royal are not going to vote for him.
Anthony, we are not firing you.
We are telling you that you had a chance to leave the liberal party, a party that openly turned its back on the Jews both in Israel and Canada when we were a broken people and you couldn't do it. And you will pay a price for that.
We are telling you that saying you don't agree with every statement put out by Justin about Israel doesn't mean you are fighting for the Jewish community. It means you are trying to save your own skin.
If you really meant what you keep writing, you would have put your own career at risk rather than stay in that party hoping that your previous good deeds would get you re-elected.
We are telling you that the liberal party of today, as written above, is not the party you came to years ago. Not even remotely.
Yes, there will be some who cannot tear themselves away from the liberal party. They live in the past, as, very sadly, so does Housefather.
And herein lies the rotten core (like an apple), the essence of what he does not understand and those who insist on voting liberal also don't get.
The liberal party of today is not centrist, it is left of left.
It is woke. It cares more about 'climate change' than it does about people who have to choose between rent money and food. We know that because of the useless and very expensive carbon tax on gas to cite but one example.
To quote Anthony directly: " core values remain Liberal ones and after serious reflection, I believe my greatest value to Canadians is staying in caucus to advocate for the centrist classical Liberal Party that I believe in."
If he believes any of that, he is living in lala land.
The liberal party cares about pandering to what they perceive as the underdog - hamas - without doing any research to figure out that the underdog is in fact the perpetrator.
A centrist party's leader would do what that word means - hold moderate political views.
A centrist party leader would have people around him to say that people need their cars to either get to work or for work and adding a 15% tax on gas under the guise of a fabricated carbon tax when in reality it is because the government has overspent beyond our wildest dreams - is just not fair.
And that is why no one should be voting liberal anywhere.
Last week, parents who have kids in a school in Toronto were duped into allowing their children to attend a protest.
It was sold to the parents as a chance for their children to observe and learn from the presentations and discussions — specifically about Grassy Narrows, the northwestern Ontario First Nation where people have suffered mercury poisoning from an upstream pulp-and-paper plant. Ok that's sad. But that's not what happened.
Instead the students found themselves at a protest chanting such ridiculous half-rhymes such as, “from Turtle Island for Palestine, occupation is a crime.
We can tell you that this has less than nothing to do with the Grassy Narrows and everything to do with the morons shrieking about Israel when they can't spell it or find it on a map.
When the school board was confronted by angry parents they said two things: Uh, we didn't know what to do and uh, there was no adult present to get the kids away from that protest.
Exactly the problem. There are no adults in the room, in the school or at the march. They are all limp, wimpy houseplants who most likely agreed with what was being chanted.
A disgrace.
We'll talk...