Meet a new Trudeau appointee. Birju Dattani the new head of Canada’s Human Rights Commission. Birju's qualifications ...
...He's posted to social media comparing Israelis to Nazis, and Palestinians to Jews incarcerated in the Warsaw Ghetto.
...In 2015 he shared the stage with a member of an Islamic fundamentalist group and repeatedly lectured during “Israel Apartheid Week” at British universities about the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement.
Birju actually belongs in Madame Valerie Plante's administration together with the antisemite she can't seem to fire - Bochra Manai - who was officially confirmed by the city's executive council as the city's first Commissioner for the Fight Against Racism and Systemic Discrimination and then proceeded to attend a virulent antisemitic rally on October 8.
You cannot make this stuff up. At least Justin's minions are consistent. They have hired antisemites, have allowed nazis to speak in parliament giving them a standing ovation and have been silent in the support of Israel.
Now get this one:
Melissa Lantsman aptly confronted Anthony Housefather on this appointment:
Liberal MP Anthony Housefather has the power to recall Justice Committee, question the Minister and confront the commissioner. Instead, Housefather will prop up Trudeau & let this antisemitic commissioner off the hook.
Housefather's epic response: Mr. Dattani did not disclose material information and I have made clear action is required.
For starters, we cannot believe he actually said this. Like the bank robber is going to disclose all the banks he robbed when going for a job interview at a bank.
Now clear action is required? Housefather, you are literally opening your mouth to change feet. Did you or anyone in Justin's little circle ever hear about vetting new appointees? Even hamburger flippers at MacDonalds are vetted.
Waaing like a five-year-old that Melissa's words are not fair? Seriously? Suck it up. You stayed in that party and you will be painted with the same brush. You are on the Titanic, the ship is listing heavily and you foolishly sent your lifeboat away.
Clearly quebec's premier, Francois Legault has the luxury to live in an altered reality, sheltered from any monetary, housing, medical or educational issues. His life must be absolutely perfect.
There can be no other reason for his newest edict. Seriously, except for legault and his echo chamber, nobody cares about 'saving' the french language in quebec. It is a made up problem, mirroring an ongoing Seinfeld episode about nothing.
The latest senseless proclamation from his royal throne is that french on signs now has to be 2/3 bigger than english.
What is completely infuriating about this is that after causing all this havoc he will shortly be gone, living on a big fat pension paid by you, leaving a trail of destruction behind, while speaking English in Fort Lauderdale.
Who gives a rats you-know-what about the sign on a store? When we go to buy apples, potatoes and tomatoes we walk in the door, shop, pay and leave. When we're looking for nails, do we care that the home depot sign is 2/3 bigger in french?
Legault has created a problem that does not exist. And in order to keep this lie alive, he keeps issuing these foolish pronunciamentos which only hurt the economy in quebec.
What does exist, what is real is that there is not enough low cost housing, the medical system is in a shambles, the streets are a disaster, the education system can't find money to put air conditioners in classrooms, senior homes also don't have air conditioners, people and businesses with money are leaving in droves.
He may have been an astute businessman but that's over. His inflated ego is destroying what could be one of the best places in Canada to live and his legacy will reflect this.
And by the way - this fits perfectly into the you-can't-make-this-up department.
Be very happy you are not a cow in Denmark or that you don't own cows in Denmark. Some bureaucrat sitting in an office in Copenhagen, clearly having never seen a cow in their life, decided that cow emissions must stop. In case you need a translation, that would be cow farts.
As such, Denmark will tax livestock farmers for the greenhouse gases emitted by their cows, sheep and pigs from 2030. Farmers will be taxed 300 kroner ($43) per ton of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2030. The tax will increase to 750 kroner ($108) by 2035.
The obvious question is how does one stop a cow from emitting gas? Unlike humans, it's socially acceptable for cows to release gas whenever they need to. Just let her rip.
The bigger question is who is going to go to the farms to monitor cow emissions? Will someone have to stand near the cows with an emission meter? Will there be a special cow emission committee? Will they put diapers on cows to keep the emissions contained?
Another one for the you-just-can't-make-this-stuff department.
Three cheers for Waterloo university. They have kahoonas, a backbone, morals and ethics.
They are suing the participants and organizers of the pro-Palestinian encampment on its main campus for $1.5 million.
The court document published on the University’s website says the school is seeking “damages in the amount of $1,500,000, including damages for trespass, damage to property, intimidation, and ejectment.”
The best part of this suit as far as we are concerned is that they published the names of those being sued. And here they are with their email addresses in case you want to contact them with some facts about the middle east.
Also know their names in case they apply for a job in your company. Or if they need medical treatment from a Jewish doctor or Jewish hospital in your area. Or if they try to use Waze which was created by Jewish minds in Israel. Also you can now buy them a one-way ticket to gaza and save Waterloo lots of money as we will never see them again.
AHMAD KAMAL [email protected]
RACHEL THEVENARD [email protected]
JACOB PRIES [email protected]
NICHOLAS SARWEH [email protected]
SARAH AHMED [email protected]
CHRISTINA VANALSTYNE [email protected]
JOHN-LEE BANNISTER [email protected]
And finally - depending on what happens with tonight's debate, we may send out a special Blanche. For sure Biden was given enough Red Bull and other meds to keep him alert for the hour and a half so he will at least be able to respond to the questions.
Good Shabbos
We'll talk...