After you even read this, go online and take a look at how the three Israeli women had to leave gaza going from one van to another. We were terrified watching with hundreds of hamas animals surrounding their cars. Till the bitter end they were terrorized. Sick, sick, sick animals.


We are not sure about the rest of the world, but in our world the release of 3 hostages in exchange for over 700 men and women imprisoned in Israel is anything but fair.

Waiting to give the names of the hostages until past the deadline? Not telling Israelis if the hostages coming out are alive or dead? What kind of animals do that? It is infuriating. It is outrageous. And yet..


Even though this exchange is grotesque, we thank G-d every day that we belong to a people who continuously add goodness and kindness to the world. We value life and as such, seek to make life better for everyone else. That is a strength that no one can take away from us. It is who we are. It is our essence.


The alternative to adding goodness to the world is what you see in gaza.

People who have brought nothing but misery to their own people and to the rest of the world and will, if given the chance, continue to do so. Of the over 700 arabs being released from Israeli prison, 100 are murderers. One of them is the murderer of Ari Fuld, of righteous memory.


The world owes Israel a huge debt of gratitude for at least keeping these vicious animals at bay for past 15 months.

And if you think that the 'supplies' being brought into gaza will actually get to the people who actually need them, think again. gaza is still run by hamas who does not care for a second about their own people and have been stealing the supplies regularly.


It is hard to be a Jew but as history has proven time and time again, we will survive and, with G-d's help our enemies will be swallowed up never to be seen or heard from again.


A final note to the morons who are protesting with hamas lovers. You are fools. You are being used. If you are not happy with the government in Canada, then give up your passport and buy a one way ticket to any country in the middle east but Israel. See what kind of welcome you will receive, especially the women who are particularly asinine.


And our governments in Canada - all of them - who don't put an end to these protests will be implicit if, G-d forbid, these protesters up their ante. The governments are in the same boat as the fools who keep protesting. Useful idiots for hamas.


Timing, as they say, is everything in life. Chrystia Freeland's timing is extra special - almost as bad as it can get - as she chose today to officially announce her candidacy to lead the liberal party.


As you just read above, today is the first day of the ceasefire in Israel. Today is also the day before Trump's inauguration which has been moved indoors. Today is also the first day that Tik Tok is offline.


Freeland is part of the liberal government who supported giving money to unwra. She is part of the liberal government that kept calling for a ceasefire which would have openly rewarded hamas for October 7.

Who exactly cares that madame Freeland is going to announce that, after voting and pushing and giving the middle finger to all Canadians that she now no longer supports the carbon tax and is running to lead the liberal party?


If anyone truly believes a word she says, we’ve got some swampland in Florida to sell you. The real shock is that Freeland honestly thinks people take her seriously.


Oh wait. We have one person who not only believes her, but embraced her and posted said embrace. Anthony Housefather.


We have all seen government officials exercise poor judgment. But Housefather took this to another level. We have been watching him repeatedly flash an idiot grin while proudly broadcasting each moronic decision. Frankly, we cannot believe he was elected at all after watching him during the last year.

You can bet your last dollar that little Anthony was promised a 'seat at the table' ie - a cabinet position if Freeland wins. That will happen when pigs fly. She is so unpopular that even a picture of her evokes a pained grimace. Feh.


They deserve each other and, with G-d's help, will be comforting each other over their losses in the next general election.

We'll talk...


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