In the grand scheme of things, this is really not important. And we certainly don't want to be catty... but we're being catty. Has anyone seen Queen Camilla lately? She may be a very nice person but seriously?

At 96 years old, Queen Elizabeth had more elegance and grace in her toenail than this woman could ever dream of. Clearly it's not Camilla's fault that she is not aging well. That's not the issue.

She just doesn't look like a queen and we find it impossible to call her queen camilla. She looks like a farmer's wife who has been tending the old sheep in the field in the sun for too long.

One thing is certain - money can't buy you finesse. In fact, at nine years old little Princess Charlotte has more finesse than this woman will ever have. Just saying. Meow.


In case you were wondering where Justin stands vis-a-vis Israel, the comment the made yesterday will once and for all set the record straight.

He tweeted the following:

The past few months have not been easy for Muslim and Arab Canadians. To those who I spoke with today, who shared that message with me: Your pain, your fear, and your hurt have not gone unnoticed. I hear you – and I am focused on working with you to make things better.


What is this moron talking about? Who exactly started this war? Oh wait. muslims and arabs.

Their pain? Their fear? Their hurt? Are their families being held hostage in the most primitive, inhumane conditions? No.

You know Blanche, we would be much happier if Justin came out and was straight with the Jews in Canada.

Instead, he's a slimy weasel ending his description of happened in Israel on October 7 with the word but... What can you expect? The Jews are the 'occupier' the Jews are an apartheid state and muslims and arabs lost patience living in squalor in gaza under the Israeli rule. They deserved it.

Just come out and say it once and for all.


And that is what we cannot stomach about Anthony Housefather. He knows this as well as anyone else, perhaps even more as he's in closer contact with Justin.

Where is his line in the sand? When does being a Jew become something to stand up for? Rather than kissing Justin's ring? For what? His pension? More money?

Anthony - as a Jew you are on the wrong side of history.


Slowly but surely, bit by bit, Harvard is being exposed as one of the most fraudulent institutions around.

First their president Claudine Gay would not, could not condemn hamas's atrocities. Then she was caught plagiarizing half, if not more of her thesis.

Next up - Harvards chief 'diversity and inclusion' officer Sherri Ann Charleston who just got caught for plagiarizing parts of every publication she ever wrote.

Claudine Gay was clearly chosen to be president of harvard because she fit 2 of the three conditions of diversity, inclusion and equity: she's black and a woman.

Ms. Charleston fits the same bill: black and a woman.

Of course Charleston will vehemently and very indignantly deny what she did, but she did it. Temper tantrums don't work at that level.

Perhaps if she saved a turtle or two or figured out how to keep wind turbines from freezing, she would be excused from copying someone else's work and saying it was her own.

Alas, that probably won't happen and she, as her friend Gay, will bite the dust from harvard.

They will then most likely emerge in a wealthy, liberal, woke 'think tank' receiving gzillions of dollars a year to discuss how to keep whities - who are clearly not diverse, nor fit the inclusion and equity part of dei - out of universities and board rooms. And all because they are both black and women. Wokeness at its finest.


What is more green than Ikea, Svedish meatballs, kermit the frog and Volvo?

Always striving to save another tree, another turtle. So it would not come as a surprise that Volvo was one of the first companies to embrace the electric car. After all Blanche, they were going to save the world from itself and cow farts.

Looks like they misread the population.

Hertz, one of the world's biggest rental car companies, recently revealed plans to sell off about 20,000 EVs from its fleet, owing to high repair costs and a lack of demand. Now there's a surprise. Not.

Nobody wants to drive ev's. It's too complicated to charge them, especially when you are in a city you don't know and/or are staying in a hotel with not enough chargers.

Or those wind turbines are not turning as in California and you are told to ease up on your electricity and that includes charging your car.

Save the world greenies who want to save the world are not going anywhere. It appears however, that people who just want to live and let live outnumber the greenies. Otherwise, Hertz would not be dumping 20,000 ev's.


Premier legault of Quebec had a complete hissy fit today when he thought that people were questioning his integrity. In fact, he was so insulted that he used the 's' word - in English no less - during a press conference. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.

Some in his party were accused of charging $100 to speak to a minister or may even an underling. "That cannot be", said a very indignant legault. In what world does he live? That goes on all the time. But we digress.

Has Mr. Legault ever looked up what the word integrity means? We will enlighten him: the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.

Legault thinks he's honest? He thinks that telling his base that international students walking around downtown Montreal not speaking French are enough of a danger to the language that he basically banned them. That's honest?

Or using the notwithstanding clause to ram through government laws that are completely unfair to one part of his community to 'save' the french language. That's moral?

Somebody go buy Legault a mirror and a bar of soap. The mirror to take a long look at who he really is and a bar of soap to wash his mouth out for swearing in public.


All the while the world keeps turning, Israeli men, women, children and babies remain hostages in gaza at the hands of vermin called hamas.

No, not every muslim belongs to hamas, but every hamas member is a muslim and we have not heard a word from any other muslim country nor has any muslim country come forward to try to at the very least, help their 'fellow' arabs in gaza.

And where is the muslim controlled united nations? Not only silent, but part of the slaughter of Jews that happened on October 7.

Silence is complicity for all the vermin who need to be erased from the face of the earth.

Good Shabbos

We'll talk...


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