What is happening in Israel and by extension not only to every Jew in the world, but every infidel, makes politicians here look like petulant, ignorant, imbecilic children. Especially that they are creating problems and issues that do not exist, but trying to divide their own people. How disgusting is that? They will be left behind in the dustbin of history.

The line between civilization and barbarism has been drawn very clearly in the sand. It is time to decide where each person, each country stands. Israel stands against the forces of barbarism, evil until victory. But what about the other fools?

University students have been brainwashed and duped. Cheering on hamas? It's like cheering on a serial killer to keep on killing. Screaming about palestine when such a place does not exist? Ignorance.

The administrations of the elite universities who remain silent as their Jewish students are being threatened, as their student bodies are spewing complete lies, should all be relieved of their positions. They are as bad if not worse than the mental midgets in their classrooms.

Any news station or social media site who thinks that gaza has a ministry of health in gaza spewing numbers of dead arabs also needs a reality check. Do they seriously believe - which they are saying they do - that gaza has a ministry of health?

Greta Thunberg stood with a sign praising and standing with gaza. What? She's saving the world but is ok with animals murdering babies? She is an opportunist with less than zero values in her life. Any moral, thinking human being who follows her climate change bs is now in serious trouble. She is a fake.

With G-d's help Israel will eradicate hamas from the face of the earth. Jews should take note and remember who - at this time - were our friends and who stood shoulder to shoulder with barbarians. And then, when this is over lose their numbers and erase them from their social media. They should no longer exist in anyone's lives.


Back to reality here. How is it that the May West eating quebecois workers cannot ever - and we mean ever - create anything that a) is ready on time and b) works once it is supposedly finished.

We are referring to the high speed special train in Montreal that went 2 or 3 years over the finish deadline and billions of dollars over the cost and has constant, daily computer glitches. Yesterday people were trapped for 2 hours suspended in mid-air until someone came and had to walk them to the station. It was still not working this morning.

We would like to know who built that computer system. Did they import someone from France or did they use home-grown may west, poutine eating local geniuses? We are guessing the latter.

And the tunnel connecting the south shore to Montreal was supposed to be done in 2024 at a cost of $1.2 billion. In 2022 it was announced that the project would take a year longer than expected, completing in 2025 at a total cost of $2.1 billion. Today we heard it's going to take longer and cost more money.

Even dumber than saying international students are one of the reasons the french language in quebec is dwindling, the czar legault saying that the roof on the olympic stadium should be fixed so it can remain a tourist attraction for people from France.

His base may have the intelligence of a gnat, but the rest of his population are thinking, educated people. As is the rest of the world who is reading about all of this and thinking - who votes this incompetent idiot into power?


Then there's Melanie Joly - our 'esteemed' minister of foreign affairs who keeps saying that there should be a ceasefire in the middle east.

We are betting she has not seen nor spoken to anyone who was involved in the horrors of October 7, keeping herself sanitized. Otherwise she would have never said what she did.


Or Justin who tweeted that the humanitarian crisis in gaza is 'heartbreaking'. And that you as a Canadian are committed to being there for palestinian civilians.

What? Why doesn't he go talk to his excellency Sisi of Egypt and ask him why he isn't there for the palestinian civilians - his own brothers and sisters? Why, when Israel is doing the humanitarian thing and telling the arabs to get out of gaza, sisi is turning a blind eye, leaving them there to die.


Now some inside information about Israel:

About 200,000 people in Israel have no home to go back to. Either their home was destroyed or they live in the south where rockets are falling constantly or their homes are badly damaged and right now unliveable.

No matter what scenario, someone has to foot the bills for the hotels, food, clothing, housekeeping etc. As well, the kids in hotels are not in school so it is up to the parents to keep them busy during the day.

Clearly tourism is null and void. Plus with so many reservists signing up to fight, the work force is heavily diminished which means the economy is not really running.

Israel is fighting on many fronts - as evident from the information above. G-d has to watch over His children, including freeing the hostages and let them get the job done.

We'll talk...


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